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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. I hear ya. Yup, I'm still around, same number. Last time I saw you, you bought me a shot. I owe you one.
  2. He clearly said nope, I am wrong, as in what I was describing is impossible. That's what I got out of it at least...but no, haven't been to his office. PS: It's been a while since I've seen or heard from you. You still around here?
  3. Sure, that's all we can really do, base things on our own experiences. I don't doubt you know a crap ton more than I do about these things, you are a doctor after all, right? I hardly ever used my insurance. I'm pretty healthy, rarely get sick but when I do get a cold I'd just let my immune system take care of it, depending on the severity. I try to never use any type of drug if I don't need to. I do not have a family doctor. I can't even remember the last time I visited a GP...maybe back in high school. I do however always visit my dentist every 6 months for cleanings. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with having psoriasis. Obviously had to go see a dermatologist for that. I have very small patches so the tube of lotion will last me quite a while before having to get it refilled. So now I do have a regular prescription I need to get, but not like it's life threatening. The plan I had through my previous employer was an HSA plan. It happened to work out a little cheaper, and I get to put money into an account pre-tax, and it's always mine, instead of paying it to an insurance company for which I rarely used. So when I left my employer, I got my COBRA letter in the mail and to keep my insurance it would've been ~$500. It was cheaper through Obamacare for a similar plan, it would've been around $290 I believe. I shopped around a bit, but obama's was always the cheaper rate. I am now working with the company I do contracting for on an insurance plan, so I would no longer need .gov insurance...good timing.
  4. Lol, so you're going to sit there and tell me what my situation is? Now I have had insurance in the past because I was employed by someone, so it's not the first time having health insurance, to Jeff's point.
  5. Self employed, small business, startup entrepreneurs who don't get insurance through a company who has to pay twice as much tax as it is already than people who work for a company.
  6. BRB, creating craigslist ad... FOR SALE: Left testi. PRICE: $220,000 Normal wear, never a tear TXT FOR PICS 5fiveseven-9seven5 THREE NO TRADES!
  7. That's my thinking. On everything you said, including this, I hope you are right. The server issue between him and Russia...both sides have denied it being business dealings btw. My thoughts exactly. No need to scrap it, improve it.
  8. Firstly: you are 100% right. Secondly: this is the internet, don't get butthurt. Thirdly: This site is very conservative, and bashes liberals ALL the time. I do have to make it clear, I'm very middle of the road, sometimes leaning right, sometimes leaning left. Bigly: Trump supporters are idiots And if you didn't get it, the last one is a :gabe:
  9. I'll tell you what scares me. He comes off like he doesn't think things through, acts out before thinking. His political inexperience is also worrisome. When he speaks he never actually conveys a point or message...talks in circles, and that to me is a sign of someone who doesn't know what he's doing. I also get a weird vibe between him an Russia. The links between his servers and a Russian bank is scary. Him promoting cyber terror attacks against the US is scary. How Trump will handle NATO is scary. The political insecurity/uncertainty alone is scary, and what it can do to the economy. Less people having health insurance because they have to pay more for it again is scary. The deficit skyrocketing under his plans are scary. That's all I can think of right now. We will probably be fine, but we might not.
  10. CRed05

    Android 7.1

    I love it. I switched from a Nexus 5 to the Pixel, so for me it was pretty significant step up in tech. The waterproofing doesn't bother me personally, it's rating I feel like is perfect for the average user. It does seem to perform better than it's rating though. There are a few videos about it like this one: The screen is gorgeous, the camera is incredible, it's fast and the build quality is fantastic. I was always a die hard Nexus fan, but Pixel gives you the latest and greatest hardware along with software. It really brings what makes iPhones great to Android.
  11. CRed05

    Android 7.1

    No clue...good luck
  12. CRed05

    Android 7.1

    I'm on a Pixel with 7.1, 100% stock. I'm not seeing anything like that under dev options.
  13. I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if there was name calling before I started spitting out my bullshit. I'd find it hard to believe, I don't get on here as much as I used to, but that's part of what made this place great, plenty of lulz and entertainment. MAKE CR GREAT AGAIN!
  14. lol, what do you want to know? It's a long process.
  15. I was being checked. Gladly, I have the stack of documents right here.
  16. Here you go dear, read up on popular vote vs electoral vote. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Electoral_Vote_vs_Popular_Vote
  17. Well each state has it's way of doing things, but all at some point will check that you are a citizen. How do I know this? Well I've personally gone through the process myself here in Ohio. It's not as simple as flashing your ID. If that was the case, LEGAL non-citizens would be voting all the time. If an illegal tries to vote, he has to be pretty ballsy or just plain dumb. It will just get him caught and bye bye America. Now, I'm sure it would be possible for someone to slip through the cracks somehow, but fucking good luck.
  18. How in the fuck are you coming to this conclusion? I'm with you on this.
  19. I'm assuming you're kidding here, because it is funny. But certainly not true, and I'm unsure if the 2 people who commented after you is just going with the joke or really think that illegals can vote.
  20. lol, there it is. I feel like this fits perfectly into this discussion :lolguy:
  21. How was this targeting black people? And that's a serious question, I don't know. There are more black people in jail because they commit more crimes (percentage wise at least), that I know. I have a feeling that I'll be called a racist here soon.
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