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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. spooderman has that effect
  2. Yeah...I don't think that necessarily means the sonic is good, just that the FRS is for gays.
  3. According to VW's website, the GTI starts at $23,995. I believe that's the cheapest out of the 3 according to that article.
  4. GTI > * Always has been, always will be.
  5. CRed05

    scan tools

    Yeah I noticed you have a Jetta. That's the way to go. It will also scan and clear regular OBDII codes on other vehicles.
  6. Why the fuck would you put an X pipe after a turbo
  7. http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/rubies/9934-Pauly-D-Headphones-large.jpg
  8. Yeah you want the hero 2 motorsport. Comes with a bunch mounts and is 1080p. http://www.jegs.com/i/GoPro+HD+Cameras/993/CHDMH-002/10002/-1
  9. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/274/522/7da.gif
  10. I guess this is a town in Canada http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/290/610/4f6.jpg
  11. Don't use HTC sync. Make sure you're on wifi if you've already disconnected the phone from Verizon (I'd probably use wifi anyway, verizon lol) Settings > Accounts and Sync > Her Gmail Account > then just uncheck and recheck next to "Sync Contacts". A little spinny arrow should appear and then you're done. Then you should be able to log into her account and see the contacts.
  12. Try going back on the Android phone and sync the contacts to Google again. iphone lol
  13. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs4/1324222_o.gif
  14. I see where the confusion is coming from. "Easy Street Rides & Rods, LLC announced August 1, 2011 that is has purchased Modular Depot..." http://forums.modulardepot.com/showpost.php?p=901058&postcount=1
  15. Maybe get a cheap, small, Android tablet and tether it to your phone. You can't beat Google Navigation, and iphone screens are tiny.
  16. No AWD dyno, no care. Mailings did go out to the retail segment. I suggest you sign up for them :gabe::dumb::lolguy:
  17. Too late now... http://www.jegs.com/dynodays.jpg
  18. I believe it will be a dynojet. It's Easy Street Speed and Kustoms' dyno.
  19. And doubles as a go pro that will upload your street races directly to facebook
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