If I knew exactly how to fix it I would prop have a different czar position than mod czar. All I know is Obama care is going to eventually pit neighbor against neighbor. Example is that I am a very active person, I run eat healthy don't smoke. why should I pay the same into the system than a morbid obese person who smokes two packs a day and has their own personal booth at mcdonalds that they visit daily? Who is going to use the system more? I know more government is all that is going to lead to. Restrictions on what we can eat how much we have to exercise and the list goes on and on. You know me, im not a fan of more government and that's all this is. Name one thing that you do that don't relate or can't be related back to your health, you can't. Some people need the government to hold their hand im not one and neither are you. But in order to not make a nanny state which is what we are headed for or quite possible already are at we have to draw a line somewhere as to what the government will do for you. Edit. This is on my phone and im trying a new keyboard so it is typed out like shit. Sorry.