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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Why would you want a Velocitor? (unless you are gay, then I totally understand.)
  2. You are spelling it wrong. Search KITT, you dork.
  3. Hey ABDecal, How bout you check in on the what stickers do you want thread first? People feeling abandonded over there.
  4. This sucks man, but like everyone else has said, keep your game face on and find your outlet. Your brother needs you to be tough right now. Good luck to you, him and your family.
  5. No worries man. Been a real busy week.
  6. His interview on WLW was epic! Earl Jones is a badass!
  7. Enjoy Hell Art Modell. Some things just shouldnt be done for money.
  8. I was thinking the same thing except I wasnt there. I've seen the crowd and pics from last year that made me wanna puke. If dirtybutt skeezers are your version of hot, that place is paradise.
  9. Seems they are averaging 1 a year now at the Dirty Butt Rodeo. Maybe he saw one too many floppy granny tit.
  10. Thats the problem, he cant buy Linex. They are very tight with their product and wont sell it to anyone who isnt a dealer. There is usually only one dealer allowed in an area. The only ones i know of around here is one in columbus on huntley rd and the one in lancaster who did mine and did a great job. There was one on brice rd, but they are gone. Kevin should look into scoring that franchise. He has the perfect shop for it. Linex has a nation wide lifetime warranty.
  11. Kevin doesnt do Linex, but if he does spray another brand, I'm sure he will do a great job at a great price.
  12. ^This. Never met a Statie in Ohio that wasnt a total knob. OSHP dont write warnings. At least not that I've hear of. ^This too.
  13. My brain has an ouchie.
  14. Total letdown. I expected to see a poop on chest pic.
  15. That old Ape was getting long in the tooth anyway. Glad you flew over and lived to tell the tale. Yet another reason why women shouldnt be allowed to drive. Did she hang up the phone after the accident?
  16. True, very true. I was just trying to drive home the point that carrying a small concealable. 38 is better than leaving a hand cannon in the console or nightstand.

  17. Sounds delicious. Ill take 1 pound to start. If its tasty, ill buy more. Free bump. I like my live creatures to have feet.
  18. You, my friend, are the exception to the rule, and compensating. ;)

  19. Gump, seriously, stop feeding the retarded trolls. Magz, our last 3 democratic presients were Obama, Clinton and Carter. Now, i know you are young and dont know what you are talking about, but carter did nothing for our economy or foreign policy. As a matter of fact, he is widely regarded as our worst modern day prez, that is, until the messiah came along. Clinton was just the lucky recipient of good economic times due to the tech boom and buisness friendly policy of the previous republican administrations. If you are gonna argue this shit constantly, at least get recent political history learnt so you dont look stupid to those of us who lived through it. CGwhoever, you can crawl back under your rock now.
  20. I just picked up a pretty badass HP refurb from Microcenter for 4 hundy.
  21. I want to! But i have to work tomorrow.
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