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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Free Kittens!!

    Mmmmmm, General Tso's Kitten!
  2. max power

    Free Kittens!!

    So you did trade them for gift certificates from the local chinese restaurant?
  3. I doubt it, but if it does, ill buy it.
  4. max power

    RIP JimBo

    Jimbo, owner of the Hocking hills biker destination bar/restaurant known for its enormous burgers died Friday @ 6pm. He was sitting on the patio at JimBos having a beer with friends when his heart stopped and he died instantly. RIP JimBo, amd thanks for all the great grub.
  5. I have PJ1 Blue Label. It goops up and flings, bad.
  6. Just spent an hour cleaning my nasty dirty bike chain and its still not done. I don't really have much confidence in the Bel-Ray or the Chain Wax I've used in the past. Looking for something that won't fling off and preferably clear. What do you use and why?
  7. Ill give you $5 to let me rub my scrote all over it.
  8. Seems to be fine. Pushed back easy. I have one on the warrior. Still eats pads. I never touch the rears. I installed some EBC red pads last night. @ $30, I hope they last longer than 3 rides.
  9. Ped and Serpentracer once again display their true colors. That was the most classless thing I've ever seen on here. Think about what you are saying for a second before you post it people.
  10. max power

    Free Kittens!!

    Why you saltin Gumps free target/coyote lure game, TButters?
  11. max power

    Free Kittens!!

    Wait til Jinu sees this.....
  12. max power

    Free Kittens!!

    Nice target ya softie.
  13. Gump must be the only member you haven't bought something from. Um, fuck that. They spend enough of my money on piles of clothes already. When we were kids, there wasn't xbox, 5000 cable channels, etc. and mommies didn't spend all their time worrying about our safety. AND if we were caught sitting on our asses, we were given chores to do. We kept ourselves busy and entertained. Funny how kids can't seem to do that anymore. I rode the shit out of my first bikes. I wanted to ride everyday.
  14. dude killed 2 people and fled the scene. he deserves to lose his head.
  15. Its a lot worse than it used to be and its the politically correct pussies that feel the need to kiss the ass of every non-american citizen or free loading welfare rat that got us to this point. Somethings gotta give soon or the dam is gonna break.
  16. This is why I installed new caliper slide pins when I changed the pads a few weeks ago. The old ones were stuck. I guess I need to start buying pads by the case. The fronts never wear out.
  17. They are paid for and run great. Find me a 4x4 that performs like the Wolverine in the sub 2k range and ill consider switching.
  18. I'm thinking its just shitty ebay pads, but it did it when I put on OEM pads also.
  19. I never use it. Ever. Brand new rotor, just replaced the caliper slides. The piston side wears down quicker than the outside, which was only half gone.
  20. I have replaced the rear brake pads on my Wolverine every 3 rides since I got it. I have tried every different type of pad and replaced the caliper slide pins. The sintered pads are shot after probably 100 miles. The warrior has always been nearly as bad and I removed the parking brake on it years ago, but it didn't make much difference. Anyone have any ideas?
  21. max power

    My new whip

    Muffler bearing? You must be planning to cruise a miracle mile on that thing. Looks cool.
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