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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. Craigslist is yo friend.
  2. Heavy duty as hell, son! Haha, I agree, they are heavy, but i didnt think you were concerned with weight.
  3. 90% of teachers are liberal pussies, M'kay, and to liberal pussies, guns are bad, M'kay!
  4. This^ Vegetables are good for you.
  5. rocker rails, like these, (also called cargo van running boards) except painted flat black:
  6. Tater bowl is much better when your stoned. Buy a new used one on the Fleabay and paint it. The orig looks fuuuuucked.
  7. I like Dakota Bob, has a nice ring to it.
  8. I just met a chick named Spring Fields. I wonder if her parents considered that this is a pretty good stripper name?
  9. I was waiting for the Armco to catch on fire. Montoya is now my favorite driver. That shit was badass!
  10. Lots of reasons. Kinda like asking why you would use your email address as a screen name?
  11. WTF is ORDN? Chevy looks out of place at this meeting of the Central Ohio Man Titty Club.
  12. Religion...and Rick Astley.
  13. I have a hard time believing these tards are behind the Powder Room heist. Total knuckle draggin morons.
  14. Nice! Plan to go to the Wayne with us. I was just at that Lowes. About 3:00. Did I drive right past you?
  15. Your first bike?!?! Your screen name should be Dead Meat. Good luck.
  16. Most kids I knew at the technical college majored in Pharmecutical Marketing
  17. Fucker! That just woke the wife. She mad.
  18. Who feeds prune flavored baby food to a baby? Were they out of liquified peas?
  19. Who feeds prunes to a baby? Did he sell it because it smelled like puke, or because he found the cameras?
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