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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Mods, all 25+ and dream about the glory days three years ago, talk about how no one races but neither do they. Usually think they are experts on every topic.


    Troll crew, (MYSELF?) pretty much wake up in the morning and piss excellence, either in college or college graduates, like to still be social in person, not the net.


    The dad crew, (SAM,MALO,NEONKILLER, exc) do bad ass stuff, 99% of the people here mainly mods sweat their nuts, their settling down now but still on the brink of epic at any moment.


    The Silent crew, these are the people we don't here from much, usually have bad ass cars and jobs. The CR vette crew


    The why are you here crew? Anyone that joined after I did.






    Left out one group, the Maxtown/North group, many people don't know who this is. Art is beat thats about it.


    Dont forget the i dont give a fuck who what or where i race crew.... speaking of that ive raced 90% of the people in this thread..... just saying.

  2. Tiburon? Where? Paul please lemme know what meets you're gonna be at this summer. I'd love to meet you in person and buy you lunch. I'm also still waiting to hear what cars you have. I'm sure they're far better than mine. You should also send me your number so I can approve all future purchases through you.


    I drive a ferrari as a daily and a pinto as a race car get summmmm


    An my numbers 614 221 5445


    And ill be at the next meet that's posted. Hope to see you your tiburon and your butthurt attitude there

  3. Obviously the car is slow seeing as pual raped it. there is no reason for me to do any thing with it and now the tires are dirty that said the above listed car is for sale





    Before you leave pual I will give you another shot at it but you will need more than a neon

    Lucky? It would appear as if you have me mistaken me with some other paul.... if you think you shouldn't have any problem then let's go make some pulls in mexico... it'll be 63 out.....


    Also if you think my car will be as it was back then, then this should be fun.





    Edit: oh you joined may 2010 you clearly don't understand me or my car.. get sum....

  4. When you going to basic? Might as well fill that gas tank with stabil and say au revoir. Shits donezo.


    That or let phil drive it off hoover dam.


    Not sure what me leaving for basic has to do with stating I made that car my bitch an put bus lenthgs on it...


    if you want to run that big turd of yours bring your wallet let's do this...

  5. Dam.... talk about shitty luck, went out spent a good chunk of change on some flowers and a nice bottle of wine for the gf.. an as I leave the parking lot I get a ticket..... fml fuck valentines day an fuck the police.
  6. http://images2.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/5737891/Thanks-Eric-feel-appreciated.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=chuck-norris


    You haven't been here long enough to understand this... :gtfo:






  7. once the weather breaks im game! Its my race though seeing is how im the one being called out all the time....


    Here we go again :jerkit: just like earlier in the year.


    Roads are dry its perfect turbo weather for both of us.....


    If ur gonna talk about how it'll beat it no worries then just do that race me if not keep to trollin.

  8. Pual did bitch out on the Race... Skered!!!



    Paul Remember just remember before you speak follow these steps.

    1. Write them down

    2. Circle the good things

    3. Show them to Sam and I

    4. Discuss with us

    5. Speak


    and Rule #67 Do not do that shit in the truck!!!


    I thought this was rule 68??

  9. Paul youre the only one thats making this personal and I don't even know you so you can go fuck yourself asshole. Even if I didnt agree with most of the opinions posted they posted opinions. You are trying to make it personal. They look far better than anything ive seen from you. Wait I haven't seen anything from the asshole with the loudest mouth.

    Haha wow you really are getting butthurt :lol: awww that's cute ur getting upset over someones comment about ur rims on the internet..


    Oohhh nossss the internet is serious buisness... grow up ya fucking douche



    i think its funny how his rims are ugly, but have you seen you cars??? :gtfo:

    I think its funny that you say this seeing as I don't claim my shit don't stink?I drive a neon and a mustang nothing special. But I'm glad you came to type this, atleast we know you have some time away from the ops dick

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