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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Phil... u rode a bike for like a month then lost the keys to ur bike...... an now u think ur mr king sheeeeeit ona bike?


    Just saying.



    And aww I miss beating that camaro.. I know this isant anything related to this post but ahh well



    I got my money on shanton


    Oh an roll racing a bike is fucking gay

  2. Those chairs are fullsize lawn chairs and there's a table in there somewhere :lol: dam chicago is lucky


    Yeaa that's over two feet of snow





  3. Banked there for a short period of time after they lost over a thousand dollars worth of deposits:over the course of a few days multiple deposits) an them not having an excuse as to why. Took almost two weeks to find it. Horrible bank horrible customer service ileft them in a heart beat an never looked back.


    I wouldn't wish that bank on anyone.



    Get ur points fixed redeemed an cashed out an then close all dealings with them.

  4. Didn't care for black ops...went back to mw2 :D

    i thought the same thing when i first started playing then realized how much better black opps is.. trust me


    I downloaded it but never got to play the new maps. I was in a party with Anthony so it may have been that not everyone in the party had it yet. it was messing up all night on me though....

    yea the servers were crap yesterday. an yea if not every one has it you wont play it


    Anthony doesnt invite me anymore :(. My kids are always playing on my acct and he invites them and they never respond. I kicked them off my account :).


    this is why you dont have kids playing on your account. i hate when others people get on someone elses screen name.


    mainly why i never play any games with brian carter any more :finger:



    any one want to buy me the map packs?

  5. I am in Chicago and I haven't seen this much snow in years. It is really a blizzard. I hope I can fly out on Thursday. I bet the plow guys are rolling it in.


    in galena? (that's what's in your profile)


    Good lord your slow. Read the first four word of his post...

  6. Sucky suitation for sure what a douche.



    Don't take offense to this but reason # 12345325 why I will not bgive my number out when selling shit. Even on here I won't. I'm not saying I sell crappy stuff cause I don't but f no ur not getting my number

  7. just a car i dont need in my driveway. i used to be a member and looking for other people with specs due to the spec v forums are mostly nation wide. looking for other people with interests in nissans. so please not looking to recieve bs from people when maybe i might have something that someone else needs. i'd appreciate it if you would be kind enough not to give someone crap on their first two posts


    Sorry but columbus racing isant craigslist.... if you would like to contribute to the site an earn the ability to use the for sale section then that's fine. But you won't be able to use this site for your own personal selling post.


    If you dooo want it as that then you can pm a mod for sponsorship an have at it playa

  8. Just got back in from salting, anything south of 70 isnt horrible as far as ice, but go north of 70 towards Delaware, Westerville or the Airport and theres A LOT more ice. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE! I wasnt sliding around at all, but thats probably because my truck weighs about 12,000lbs right now lol


    I was sliding when I saw u this morning :lol:



    Icyy wooo

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