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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I need to spend a day sitting at a boat ramp. So many exciting things to watch.

    i do it every day during the week on m ylunch break best way to kill an hour :bangbang:

    Someone please let Paul borrow a jet ski trailor.


    wtf?? please you woudl be suprised how quick i can load an unload my jetski :gtfo:

  2. Phil.. ask your sponsors really how many blaclk racket ball players are threre. Say if u don't want me I'm sure some other Company willl pick you up so that they can be considered diverse






    Disclaimer I ment that in no way racist

























  3. If I didn't have my eye set on this Baja 200 and needed the room, I'd be on it like white on rice Paul. You should drive it around Alum on a weekend with a FOR SALE sign on it. Wouldn't shock me if you got a buyer.


    Haha I thought about doing that

  4. what is everyone doing over there 4th of July weekend coming up?


    I'm heading out to Arkansas to a biggggg ass lake :lol: WOO




    the current weather there is 84 an sunny with the real feel is 102 WTF?!?!?!? humid much?


    rented this sweet condo, a big house boat and a bad ass ski/wake boat for the weekend. going to be filled with lots alcohol, wakeboarding, girls, more alcohol, try to fuck a local, well more alcohol an more time spent on the lake. weeeeeeeee

    oh an screw humidity

  5. Sorry i wasnt left with over $100,000 to build cars and whatnot. And i bet slomo charged him more in labor than what i have in my whole car.


    Uve got like what 56$s into your car? Your car is one big pile of shit that isant worth more then the shit in my toilet :gtfo: with your hating


    Josh. Keep on kicking ass

  6. i have yet to find some one who has better jerky than what i make. im not trying to toot my own horn but its hard to find a good balance of sweet/spicy/rich/smokey and last but not least friggin tasty. I've been making deer jerky since i was about 10 years old (as long as ive been hunting) and i do believe ive finally found the perfect blend of awesomely balaced deliciousness. id have some left from this past year if my sisters asshole of a boyfriend hadnt eaten all 15 lbs of it when he came to visit around cristmas. but i guess thats a small price to pay for a xmas gift plus gratitude for him serving in the military and all.


    If urs is do good start making it in a bulk an sell it on here... it'll sell quick I know ide buy a few bags.

  7. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/29/tumblr_l3iu68spFa1qzgeemo1_250.gif


    We don't have sametime in out dept. I fail





    Btw jones is a whiny beotch that is all

  8. Ics

    what are you a cop?!??! you gonna pull me over and have my shit removed if its more than 50%!!!



    But seriously i went with 35% and it looks really good i think with the stock tint on the back.




    U got 35s on the front? That should be darker then the rears... do u know how dark the rears are? Wouldn't look right if the front was darker then the rear.

  9. cant we all just get along? :) lol

    :gtfo: you drive a miata that I so could of easily ran you over in the truck I was driving on Saturday :lol:

    Sounds like you have an intelligent family, I guess the apple never falls far from the tree! I bet your one of those guys who has nothing better to do with his life then hang out at a bar, get F***ed up and go drive around like your hot shit! Let me know when your free so I can hangout with the cool people like you!


    What an idiot!:rolleyes:


    I like that people automatically think that if you go to a bar you go to get shit faced.....


    I go to the bar a few times a week an i haven't been drunk since my birthday in april




    So get off ur moral high horse enjoy standing in a parking lot with ur mini van/wagon


    An e a d

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