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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Haha speaking of fail anyone remember me sinking my jet ski last year after 8 days of owning it hahaha ahhh I suck at life


    But a huge thanks again to sam for toying it acrss the lake an linn sam an shanton for trying to keep it above water at the docks before it sunk haha an the linn for toying my submarine up around the docs to the trailer ahhhh goodtimes!

  2. with the driving i plan to do, i would burn up two sets of MTs per season....i cant afford that right now, especially when i can get a set of nittos for cheaper and make them last two seasons...ive been hearing mixed revies on them, thats why i made this thread, not sure what ill be doing as of right now


    Get some street tires then if ur worried about wear. Then get. A slick for track days.

  3. u plan to barely drive the car.... so what would it matter if the tires wear kinda quickthe 555s dont hook worth shit. if u dont plan on racing it often(not sure why u wouldnt. u went threw the hassle of putting th e 460 in there) then get them. if u do wanna race get the mt
  4. Paul I was doing shots when you thought that you were the black power ranger.


    I have own grown doing shots since I learned my lesson about what happens after :)


    Sounds like an excuse.

  5. Real drinkers don't need a fake holiday to get it done.



    If I was not training for fight night I would come out to the Crown and unleash the fury :(




    Its amateur night tonight. All these "drinkers" don't realize I train the other 364 days of the year.

    Please u amateurs can't even handle drinking with me causee ooo shots shots shotss everybodyyyyyy take some shots shots shots woooowoooooo

    may come and visit you paul for a drink after i do what i have planned on
    oooh so ur gonna come slum down at crown with the "fat an ugly" old bitches... :jerkit:





    Disclaimer. I am 100% sober an at work right now. Dammit!!!

  6. I hate every mother ducker who lags or just has no fucking life at all and plays the game soooo much that he will die if he dosnt go positive 16 every match


    The game has become a dick measuring contest for fucking nerds who care more about thier xbox membership than a job or anything else not on xbox



    Fuuuuck I hate xbox players


    On the otherhand I just started playing forza three and love it


    Add me srturbo04 ill own u on forza

  7. why does this have to be on a friday!???

    Might show up after class tho..


    honestly......9-5 job = no go.


    Will there be any not during the week this year? I really want to go to some.


    The reason why its on a Friday is because Friday night there is an event so the insruance has been payed blahblahblah


    If u do it on a weekend expect to add (I'm guessing). Double or more to the bill which means 50 for senior members or 70 for non senior...


    Soo fridays r the most cost effecctive day so suck it up, play hokie from school take a personal day from work an come get drug around.

  8. Matt is ur boat back att he marina?i went yp there today on my lunch break since its so close to work. an thought i saw ur boat near the entrance. mabey it wasent urs. but wow so nice up there when no one is there. the docks arent even in the water. i wonder when those will go back in . hmm ahh is it time to go yet!!!!
  9. Kinda old news, but I've had it with IW and this poorly executed game known as MW2. Not to mention the fact that they are obviously a bunch of xbox fanboys, so I will no longer support them. Come out with a non-hacked to fuck game, without retarded shit like knives > bullets, and equal support for all systems and I might be cool with IW again. Until then they can go fuck themselves.


    Oh and $15? X2 on the go fuck yourself


    Jealousy's a bitch :) xbox>ps3



    Lol just bustin chops I'm excited wooowooooo

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