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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. That he will sucker me into racing a 9 sec drag car. lol
    no 9 second times here.... if u look on the forum hard enough u can see videos of my pos running... just


    dp,fmic no tune, no boost controller stock turbo


    ill race the dsm and the neon. ill shut down at 330 ft. u think u can hang with that? if so it will be 100 bucks. each

    :finger: im not racing ur truck hahah

    Doesnt everyone just ignore you when you beg them to race you?
    sadly yes :(


    paul the yzf600r vs the 600rr for 20

    locked in

  2. Since I know your going to talk shit until i do, ill say just this...When i do finish my car, we will run whenever wherever. Just dont be a bitch if you win or if you lose.


    Haha heeeerrreee wee go ooo when my cars done... it'll have 6 billion hp run 1.2 second quarter ahhhh wooooooo



    Soo if ur car isant anything special why is it "bad ass" . Why don't u use ur bad ass gsx at the track day on the 23rd so I can drag that pos sled of yours down the track.


    Shit I got 10 bucks says I out 60ft ur awd car.

  3. Wanna ride this week?


    I work till 9 every day then the gym. So can't brotaco. If thw weather turns good this weekend then yea.


    If ur serious about swapping bikes for the day we can od it when we go ride son1

  4. I've got to give it to you Paul. Despite being the punchline in almost every CR joke, you stand your gound. you drive a neon, drink at a dive bar with a bunch of old cougar fatties. Yet you still hang in there... Good work?


    I am the cr punching bag. Its cool.... ur not doing it right if u don't have haters.. ...

  5. Everyone is ethug, then when the meets come everyone is all pussy foot kissy face. I just wanna talk shit, get in an ebattle, go to the meet and start throwing punches.
    then come at me bro


    Ooo wait that's hardcore ethuggin ahhhh waa waa waa :jerkit:


    CROWN YAY LETS GO TO the skankiest bar Columbus has to offer, just so Paul can drink his shirley temples and grind on all the fatties.

    Hete all u want I drink for stupid cheap, get free drinks all night an its 1.5 miles from home I'm good.

    let me quess you would rather go to the short north:gay2:
    haha his go to bar is havanna
  6. I'm calling out the slow people cause well I'm slow. Sad but true. :(


    Matt I think I read that ray won't be ready till later in the season I could be wrong though.


    Anthony will run a high 10 cause he's lame


    Brian carter won't run at all but his bro will get it into the 10s


    Btw kind hard to call people out when there is no list of who's going. An a lot of peoples stuff is still on jackstands haha

  7. [i


    Thanks to Chad for letting me borrow his truck again.


    Getting fixed soon.


    Mmm sexyynesss.. hope to see it on the road again. U were always a happier person when u drove it :) I know I'm not very much help but if u need any help. With what ever just call.

  8. I've come to the realization that half the people on here have no social skills, so thwy take upvracing to do what they do best.... ethug and trash talk.


    lol wow... you obviously are new to cr.. why dont u sit back junior try not to burn bridges around here come out to a few meets some get all emo butt hurt an ull then u can comment on "people" you have no idea about



    you've been to 1 CR outing.....

    ..thats what im saying

    You coming to the pub tonight to "party"? I am going to have a beer maybe and chill.


    Oh I heard you like to party this hard...






    He is talking about the website and is 200% correct

    yeaaa i jsut found some$ for tonight il come out an nice pic of me :lol:

  9. Paul, were you out in the SRT-4 last night?

    only on the way home from work yea

    Maybe you don't understand the concept of being social but that's what It means. Good luck in your endeavours with you neon and ethug lifestyle

    awwww someone sounds butthurt?



    You see Paul wants to stand around a parking lot on a friday or saturday with people that talk about maybe racing, then might race, then have to avoid cops.

    :bangbang: im just here to party....

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