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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. wrecked corvettes for sale? looking more for a C6Z than anything and could care less about how much damage is done to the car as long as the frame isn't too jacked up. would also consider any 99-09 manual trans vette.


    anyone know where i can find such a place to buy something totaled or with a salvage title?




    auto trans = fail

    bitch im nto doing all the work for you. i gave you a site!! :gtfo:

  2. is the guitar cordless? I might get this from you tomorrow night if it is

    no greg its got a cord :( but its cheap :)


    edit guitar pending sale to greg woopwoop

    I'll take orangebox Paul. When can I grab it ?

    sold to the boost ninja

  3. I did 70.3 on GPS last summer, I am going to order a new charger, impeller, pump edge and injectors. From there it will be a ride plate, external intercooler and a BOV.


    The ride plate and external intercooler should put me around 80mph


    well looks liek you an chris will have some nice racing going on this year

  4. I will be out several times during the week as I live 10 mins from Alum. Just let me know when everyone else is out. I put 41 hours on my new ski last summer. Almost all of them at WOT :) I'm looking to do 75+ on GPS this season.


    dam i thought i did alot an put 30!


    75+ huh better start modding

  5. How much is it to run usually? I couldn't make it to any of these last year since the car was down for over 6 months. I have no excuses this year and would love to meet some new people and make some passes. Also is the registration for April 23rd coming up at the end of the month or begining of april? Just curious so I dont miss out.


    Between 25 to 35 bucks. An registration will open here in a week or two.

  6. I'm about 12 minutes from Alum marina. I'd be in for having an extra person or 2 on my boat, so I can go wakeboarding during the week (screw going to Alum on a weekend). Day doesn't really matter - my wife and I usually take the boat out once during the week to either Alum or O'shaughnessy.


    last year there were about 4 or 5 people that were wake boarding im sure it wont be a problem gettin some one to board with

  7. I have been asking for two years now for a watercraft section. We have daily ride and fitting places for everything else. I think we have enough people on here now too that if we had a section just for boat, it could possibly spark more conversations, question, and boats in general.



    How much does it cost for a Watercraft section right underneath the bike forum. Ill pay for it all.


    Chris if u look on page 1 twords the bottom. I said I just bought a section for us. Cr boat crew will be up this weekend for us. Anything from boats to waverunners to kiaks to fishing


    Now what day r u gonna want cr boaty nighnt I'm sure ull be doing a lot of wakeboarding haha Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday? Weve got 3 votes for Wednesday so far.

  8. Ummmm no. It will be out and better than ever. Lots of $$$ changes.


    A better analogy is I have as much a chance of winning the lottery as you dragging your boat out of the yard. ;)


    Are you going to keep it? You need to bring the whipple'd boat up here.


    The man barely comes out to a cr meet let alone load up the boat. Put it on the trailor... heaven forbid driveeeee to the lake unload.. well u get the point he's lazy hah


    I forsee me draggin his ass from the burg out

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