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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Wednesdays will work for me too. Any day really after 530.


    Do we need to pitch in for the boat section? I'll pay for it.


    We didn't meet up till 530 or 6 anyways last year so ur good. Even if u come later u can't miss us.


    No worries it was cheap.


    This might sound dumb but are the ramps open this time of year to do some shake down runs?

  2. Keys? Yes. Engine? No. :D



    $400 for the boat season 4/1-11/1

    $150 for winter 11/1-3/31

    $510 discounted yearly rate if paid in full


    Plus it's like 30 or 40 bucks for the "deposit" on the 80 year old garage/gate opener. :rolleyes:


    awesome i plan on keeping it there might as well ive got no room here lol.

  3. That's where I keep mine when not at my house. The spot right next to me is actually open too!


    o rly... keys in it? :bangbang:


    haah i need to get my payment in before april 1st. hope i read the website right for 400 for the season or 510 for the year...?

  4. Gotcha. Then yeah, I would find something with a Mercruiser in it for sure though.


    I'm very excited to see your boat. You going to take it out more or your ski?

    honestly not sure i always wanted to go out with friends but never wanted to ride nut to butt so im sure ill use both.


    i plan on having the boat at the storage facality (thats on the road to go to the marina) an then jsut trailoring the jet ski up so if i ever want to use one or the other the boat will already be there. im sure ill get alooottt of use out of the boat in the weekends


    the jet ski seems liek itll do better tubing/sking/wakeboarding. been reading up an u cannnn do it on this boat but its kinda iffy


    I dock my boat on the Muskingum. Its a drunkin blast, with lots of skin showing, then on to the bon fire and more drinking and skin showing until 4 in the morning.


    Buuuuuuuuut, I might just have to go your guys direction this year and see whats up.


    i plan on going many places btu during the week will probably stick to alum creek.


    u never know mabey one day in the season we can do a cr traveling boat night i dont know

  5. I will be there. The day doesn't matter to me.


    You can say that again. I'm taking the last of the parts for the stroker up this weekend. I'm pumped. :cool:


    The Vision will be done by spring too. All it really needed was a interior. I have most of it, just need to install it. You don't want this boat though. It seems like a cool little boat, but its all OMC stuff and is getting harder and harder to find parts. Plus, I don't know anything about it, so I would feel bad selling it to you then it dying. Besides all that, you need a V8 (or a big outboard).


    We really need our own section here. I wonder if I can sponsor it and get it that way.

    I alwayus ment to pm anthony about having. A boat sextion seems there would be enough traf traffic.


    As much as ide love a boat with a v8 ide rather havfe a better gas frendly boat with a 4. I don't plan on racinyg so mid 40s is good


    Oh an yea been looking for a 200 motor for my boat :)

  6. Ok its coming up on that time of year gonan be gettin warm in the next month or two gott a plan for Cr Boat night... what night works best for everyone this year? Tuesday, wednesday or thursday?


    also who is in this year?.. im sure that the same group from last year will be in






    total sign(i think i met u a few times)


    always saw that gmoney was out but never met u..


    hope to get a good turn oout this year was fun last year



    Tuesday: 0

    Wednesday: 3

    Thursday: 0



    edit my vote is for wednesday

  7. You gonna give me 9:1?

    Hell no u take too much of my money!

    Now we're taking side bets!? I thought this was just for fun and maybe to get out a little frustration. If that’s the case I need to get a promoter.

    I can't physically fight due toa heath condition (Not a joke eathier...) so I might as well bet

  8. Its for fast cars.


    Word is that some evo's and dsm's are showing up!
    ill bring a tow truck :lol:


    Yea count me in...im sure watching wont hurt:cool:


    You cant go, Daddy said so.

    Hahaha owned!!!





    An typical cr fashion 2 people race 50 people watch :jerkit:


    Linn I know ill lose but fuck it Ill go just to try this track an would be fun to do a cruise. With it ha



    Edit:ok for 500 bucks I won't race cause I'm slow lol butt still fuck cr for no one ever stepping up to the plante an racing. Linn goodluck man.

  9. 04SRTurbo. i think i know how you feel about my car from the past. you can quit munchin on the hater tots please.

    i already ruled out NOS.


    @Zipline: With the windstar intake, does it fit right on? like does my TB and CAI just fit right on there? or do i have to buy different parts for it too.


    Ok first off quit being a ricer faggot an calling it nosssssss. Its nitrous .


    An 2nd off not being a hater just being realistic a v6 shitstain is not a. Good platformto mod. Just keep the pos stock an save for a car worth modding. Ur just wastin money on parts that will keep the car a turd

  10. Yup, like heart issues isnt a real excuse not to do something that will cause a spike in adreniline :rolleyes:.. BTW my car still made it, I just wasnt the one driving so hush it.


    p.s. your car on the track is the equivilant to a 90 year old pair of knuckles driving a buick in the fast lane on the freeway.


    Heartissues? Please that's a horrible excuse. Nothing like spraying a 250 shot off the transbreak to clear those issues away lol

  11. This is ur 2nd.. or 3rd thread like this gezz kid ask people on the v6 turd mustang forums


    Do some research over there I'm sure all the info can be had there since they specalize in v6 shitstains.


    Save ur money for something else because no matter what u do its still gonna be slow as balls an a waste of money to be able to beat ur rusted honda civic or a stock gt if ur lucky.

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