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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Hmm taking a break from riding well its not bad for the start of the season only two lanes closed but everything else is open. I figured it would be packed but I would say there is less then 200 people longest I've had to wait to get on was 5 seconds haha


    They dids some changes to a few lanes but so far so good


    An dam I'm out of shape!!!

  2. We had it and Tine and I both had the early stages of the lung bacterial infection associated with it. We were sick for weeks and on some major antibiotics.


    Unfortunately, it was the real-deal H1N1 and sucked horribly.

    Drammmmma queeeennn :p

  3. gas gauges read liek shit


    my srt goes from full to a half in liek 75 miles then the "bottom" half goes another 175-200... same as my mustang

    but my expedition is direct opposite stays in the higher part then drops like a brick


    dont reley on the gas gauge calculate your true mpg an go from there you lazy turd

  4. sweet man glad things are turning around for you.


    and awww look how cute the garage queen is awwwwww :p


    i rented a slowbalt liek that once fun cars itll do a cool burn out when u neutral bomb it :lol:

    that car needs tint BADDDLY

  5. i might go for the sunday special if they are open. have to wait and see what im doing.

    let me knwo i might roll up with you an do work



    Dunno what day but Ill be there, I think I might get a helmet this year....


    I rocked myself twice last year good enough to not drive home.


    Make fun of me and pay with a fist in your face.


    can we call you special at all? lol joking i understand needing the helmet seeing some of the shit people have been doing is insane. ill be hitting you up for some pointers this year going to try the terreign park eeeek

  6. So if you buy food and realize that you forgot your wallet, come back the next day, how much do you think they will charge you? I'm guessing the exact amount of the bill with maybe automatic gratuity included so I don't flake out on the server.


    Its an honest mistake, nothing malicious about it, and I am expected to pay $96 dollars when I could have just as easily sat there for 30 minutes while my wife brought me the money.


    You do see how you are trying to be a complete douche bag because you don't like me right?


    I understand I fucked up, but having to pay a $96 fine because I couldn't pay $4 yesterday is ridiculous. If they said, that will be $20, ok, still a little steep, but I can understand that. But $100, are you fucking kidding me?


    Oh, and btw, go fuck yourself.

    hahaha so your didnt pay your bill an your angry you got burned for it


    soo since its only 4 bucks an it wen tup to 100 that that is insane mark up?


    shot when you speed onyl 3 mph faster then teh limit an you get a ticket an thats what a 150$ticket... is that an insane mark up? or a parking metter you coudl be off by 15 cents an get a 40+ $ fee is that insane mark up?


    you entered a place of buisness knowing you had to pay ...you didnt pay you got burned for it. next time be more resonsible an you wouldnt be in this mess. thats all there is too it . an blahblahblah if i knew i woudl of had to pay mark up i would o fhad my wife come giv me money.. well then why didnt you jsut do that in the first place?


    so how about you go fuck your self you irresponsible ass hat next time pay your bill when your susposed to

    Never sign your name with out reading the form you are signing, its quite common sense.
    bam bam as stated many times in this thread BAM


    I wouldn't of went into a parking garage without paying.

    double BAM BAM



    an i might.. MIGHT of been ok with you had this been your first time but come on twice or more now lol u know most people learn from there mistakes

  7. So let me get this straight. you went into a parking garage knowing that you would have to pay. you left your wallet at home, ok simple mistake … then because you couldn’t pay you had to sign a document of some kind because you were not able to pay…… an now your angrrryy (GRRRRRRR) about having to pay a fine because well you didn’t pay for the services rendered?


    I'm missing the point of this thread. you went into an establishment knowing you would have to pay… you didn’t pay an you got fined for it I don’t see the big deal?



    lol that’s like parking at a parking meter an not putting funds in then you are upset about getting parking ticket… that’s like going into a restaurant ordering food and not being able to pay. don’t you check to make sure you have the funds before doing stuff like this?




    an wait this is your 2nd time doign this? wow

  8. Exactly the type of mentality I would expect from a person I see on a stretched bike on the street. Its all about the image, and using it as a means of impressing others, or picking up chicks, and always have something that they are trying to prove. Well I didnt buy my bike to pick up chicks, as you obviously just admitted that's what you use it for.


    Iu have to disagree. This man hot laps this bike haha


    Shit this bike has had so many riders make so many passes its insane


    Oh an this bike (no offense erik) is hit... lol erik rides the living shit out of this bike street or trafck an puts it away. The bike has more burn ruber from racing then it does paint hahaha

  9. Why not just take these awesome, well balanced machines and take them to a track like mid ohio instead of ruining them by making them fag drag bikes? Go buy a harley

    time an place man this thread was about drag racing...if you want to go make a thread about a road course thats fine but no need to knock its not your cup of tea :gtfo:

    Dude ur a fucking idiot. This is about drag racing, yea we get it tracks r fun. Trust me I've been on plenty on a bike, and drag raced, and stunt rode...if u wanna try me n any category formoney let me know I'll roll the tire thru a turn on my stretched bike, o wait I already have.


    i do belive you just got owned lol

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