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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. im going

    are you still going at the posted time?



    I just got off the phone with Doc, he's at his garage so you'll have to call him for an update. I just got back from Lancaster and it was Raining all the way and still in Reynoldsburg as well as Delaware were Doc is. He says that I looks like it might start clearing up shortly and would still like to ride but to put it on hold to see if it clears. I'll post updates as I get them but if you have any questions you can contact him.


    yea radar shows fully clear at 10 out here so itll be clear by 930-945 out west by the zoo so it shoudl be ok... worse case wwe get over there an we have to go sit under a gas station for 20 minuites will the rest clears




    im going to vote still meet up at 1030 an if its stil nto clear then we relax for a few untill it clears whos with me? haha

  2. Sorry Luther, I thought you were Paul. He's been fucking my shit up using car-type names, and Mopar614 is right up his alley.


    I'll leave your shit alone.


    I nevere touched ur crap an when I loged on u had demolished like 5 houses an sabotged a f a few of my things . So after I saw u jacked half my crap up I did one thing. That's my new screen name cause asshat rob an 91vr4 wouldn't stop fkin my shit up.

  3. i'm planning on it, as soon as this damn rain passes lancaster.

    how late is everyone staying/and the dyno ending

    Ummm not sure he's got a bad ass car coming at 7 then who knows

    do you offer tuning for an additional price or just runs today?


    Pm him. He doesn't have internet at the shop so he won't get this till later.

  4. whens this bitch going to hit the road?!

    probably be about the same time as your vr4 sooo in fall of 2011



    hopefully by next season...im not really rushing him on doing the work on it since i dont have all the parts to him yet...i still have about $1500 worth of shit to buy and currently dont have a penny to spend on my car...work picks up real good in the winter at UPS, so im hoping to get the rest of my stuff this winter

    right on man cars coming along real nice



    Its looking good, do you plan on every driving on the street? I think this swap would be even better if it was a street car. Either way hopefully next season at a track day we can line them up.


    i do belive it is going to be street car with some track use.

  5. Paul what Chase pay for Collections? What the commision/incentives like? I know a ton of people who used to work at Discover in Collections and they said the incentives were site/team based. Basically they said you couldnt make any incentive. Cingergi what do u do there? Didnt u work at Firestone forever go?


    well the3y start you out at the 1230-9 shift so since partial of your hours are night time they give you a 10% pay increse so most people make like 12.xx when they first start an they set a goal of x amount to collect if you make that goal its a 400$ bonus an for ever 5 % you go pasat teh goal you get an extra 75 $ good bonus's brandon (luviathain an , not brian) can attest its not hard to reach bonus eathier.



    but i hate collections now its just not the type of job for me.

  6. Today (Saturday) looks like it's going to stay pretty wet, but Sunday promises to be slowly clearing and 60-75 degrees. I'll be riding for sure. The leaves haven't started turning much, but it's still a beautiful, verdant Arcadia in some of these local parts.


    I haven't had the best luck at getting CR people together for rides, but I thought I'd test the waters for some ideas. I've got good routes to the following:


    1) Hocking Hills (6 hrs)

    2) Holmes County-Amish Country (5 hrs.)

    3) a western Ohio tour with many surprises and some rural twisties (3 hrs.)

    4) a riverside tour to Prospect, then back across Alum Creek (90 mins)



    Meetup can be at:


    1) Columbus Zoo near the dam

    2) Polaris Sonic

    3) Hearty breakfast in Delaware (I'll buy)



    Suggested departure times:


    8 a.m.

    9 a.m.

    10 a.m.



    Any interest? If so, post your vote. We'll finalize late tonight and head off in the morning. :burn:


    doc im in let me know what the final plans are.


    I am game.

    glad to see your gonna get the bike out. last time we spoke u said u havent had it out at all lol

    I've got a Fiero meet at 3pm so, if the final route gets us back before then, I will be in.


    really if you dont go ill take the r1 ouit for ya......... not joking lol :) ?

  7. god i hope your right. last year was so crappy for snowfall i want alot of snow dangit so i can go snowboarding more. i belive miller said he went with you last year so there should be a big group going this year




    also we have set up more snow drags i think aj took the title last year in his silverado with scotty in a close second! but ajs tbss should do work this year ahhh

  8. the shut down is long. theres are 3 turn offs. its longer shut down then trails an it goes up hill


    yea if all the bumps in the track doesnt get u first. last time i raced there that track was bumpy as hell!


    dude have you seen the town its sooo hillybilly. i mean come one the staging lanes u take a gravel road down to get to it... lol


    mabey you need to step up your slow turd :bangbang:

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