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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. too easy...


    hey read the stickies on how to get in here ... the memebers here have to give you enough reputation poiints to see teh rest of the forum. but by giving us NO INFO what so ever you wont get in please get pics info about your self your cars an well how did you hear about COLUMBUS racing..?

  2. well yea she should, you all had plans for a while now an im sure she started to get excited about going. an now your being a girlyyy man cause u dont want to get wet lol get your self a rain poncho an enjoy the game.




    goodluck on how ever it turns out

  3. I can't believe you faggots like this game, it's fuckin gay. Nowhere near simulation standards even with everything turned off.

    Did u turn off all the assists? The demos got stock slow cars its also if u have athe assists on it'll make it seem boring tuern them off.

    paul, when i get this game i will actually have a working forza game, so im finally gonna destroy your ass lol

    Dyeaaaa just like u said on forza 2...



    When it was myself, Paul, J.R., and some others regularly on Forza 2 we tended to have everything off. However some people complained about not being able to use auto-tranny so we changed that, people also complained that highpower RWD cars were too hard to drive because traction and stability were turned off when we raced. I'm not sure how we're going to treat that now. Probably allow traction, but not stability. I'm not really sure, what do you guys think ?


    My preference would be:

    Manual only

    Braking Line Only

    Traction Control

    Everything else off.


    When ever I was. Host ide do

    choice manuel

    F8orce off line

    Force off stability control

    Force off traction control

    Choice for abs



  4. i HAD that problem about 2 weeks ago, that game kicks ass!


    The Forza 3 demo is AMAZING, not the demo so much as what you can see id there for the release next month!

    The game is fucking gorgeous, it puts FM2 to shame, they squeezed soo much more out of the 360 this time around.


    Point-to-point hill climbs, and drag racing is back, yay!


    Rob an I were on chat playing for like 45 minutirs lol


    Game is ahhh amazzzzingggggbim so excited!!

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