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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. nice saleen i love that body style saleen pretty sharp +rep and yea dont mind the douche bags on this site some people dont have anyhting else better to do


    i hope your not refering to me, i was just trying to help the tard out, cause obviously he couldnt figure it out.

  2. You're right everyone makes McSteaks and this is the internet so how dare I misspell something or use improper punctuation. I’m goanna go to my room and pout now. :(








    i love how peopel cry about grammer an spelling... who cares. but thats just me :bangbang:

  3. dude go check out


    goclubgp.com ohio club im sure some ones remotly local

    or 3800pro.com

    or clubgp.com

    if not im sure some one on these sites has a wheel for cheapo that they would ship



    im sure

  4. Gotta be very careful of it though. Something better...put it all over a duffle bag with a bunch of misc shit in it that they will sift through and want to keep.


    Put it on a about $10 of dollar bills. Enough that they will count them all and cover their hands.


    Penthouse magazines. Bonus points if they rub-one-out while reviewing it :)


    So you want to see young kids knock one out to your trap?



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