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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I think we should all go and get 50cc and 70cc pit bikes and race.

    i just so happen to pick one up last weekend... i know you can snag one lol lets race its a little ttr90.( almost tempted to throw i ton the dyno :) )

    Paul's convinced me that I needed one. I should be picking it up this weekend. :)


    swing were cool...ish

  2. Yesterday I wasn't even hungry when I got them for lunch, I just ate 2 and put the rest in the fridge and ate them for dinner. They taste just as good when cold IMO


    you love the taste of old cold roast beef eeeek :p

  3. oo busted...


    well i know that alot of peopel come on here to vent a joke after they jsut got in a tiff with the other half... so you have to know there just trying to vent or make a joke to try to get them in a better mood.... so yea they might of said it but 99% of the time they dont mean it, an since there "men" an men dont share there feelings they probably make fun of the suitaion as a way to share there frustrations3





    lol mabey?

  4. Lame. There are people into all kinds of cars, but a fucking contour? Ooooooo, SRT and GM Performance better watch out for the gay uber slow SVT.


    I should say that its cool that he got on TV.


    TRUST ME ide be geeked to get on tv... but to run almost a 15 i wouldnt even of wasted ym time... heck with ide barely waste my time with a 12 seconid whip

  5. :lol:


    Probably the best way to put it. I get nothing but request from random H.S. people that I never hung out with nor do I care to know what they are up to now a days. In fact... I really have no clue why I have a facebook account.


    to stalk bitches you wanted in high school






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