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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. +1

    but all I have is my 400ex so i'll be bringing that.


    with bald ass tires, oh well I'll have fun anyway.


    ill be there beating you in the new toy i jsut got :bangbang:



    edit: im calling my own bluff i dont have a new toy yet havent came across a good deal dammit ill be out there spectating the retardness

  2. People that download Music/Movies are a huge part why our economy sucks dick. You may think your sticking it to the millionair movie/rock star, but your not. They make more touring and on merchandise then they do cd's. However you are killing all the small people such as secretary at record label that just went under, or concession guy at theater because ticket sales are low. Therefore your putting more people into a already small job market, making it harder to find jobs.


    Point blank its stealing and I feel no sympathy for those busted.


    For the record I do not download and burn a damn thing.


    :jerkit: so i take it you dont watch porn online then? even if oyu stream it after all your still watching i tonline not paying for it ? lameeee

  3. I Download all my music from there and my movies using bitlord but once you download them all mine are saved and never shared..


    like stated they bust the people who are sharing not downloading 99 percent of the time.. I would not owrry about it as long as you keep the program closed when you are not using it and dont share your files.


    yea on the old lime wire there was an option to not share them the new one doesnt. but anytime any one trys to download i disconnect them an yea it snever left open

  4. :confused: no


    anytime really...i'll break the grill out about 5 or 6 or when ever

    pussy whipped. so how was the quad ride :bangbang:



    im pretty sure , this will be most of the afternoon-even type of thing


    what time is all this? I work till 2 on saturday. is it nothing but mud holes and ruts back there? I won't bring my race quad if its like that but I can bring a 4x4 quad that's a beast in mud


    bring the 4x4 thers alot of big mud holes that youll enjoy. not much fun for a race quad as there isant much room to open her up at all ha

  5. Com on out! Remember... all you have to do is survive until you get there and get coffee :)

    ha problem is i dont like coffee so i would need a coke or a energy drink but that stuff that early woudl kill me lol ill have to tuff it out ahhh


    Being it's a holiday weekend and I'll be able to catch up on some z's, I'll bust my lazy tail out of bed :) Now that I put that out there, I'll have to bug out early on Friday to wash the 1/8" bugs off my car. :o Tons of freeway time this week.


    Had a few runs down Coonpath road earlier this evening :bangbang: Just made for the MazdaSpeed :D


    ooh so you were in the 25mph zone :)

  6. Me and the other Mazdas will probably be there. I'll actually have my car this time too.:bangbang:

    oh god a parking lot full of fail :p



    i dont work this weekend so if i can drag my self out of bed then im down i still havent been to one an im bound to do so

  7. dam thats a shitty suitation. if there is anext time jsut call the police stating these kids are trying to cause harm upon your animals(poking with sharp sticks can hurt a dog) an then wait. also take pictures next time they are there so you have proof
  8. I think the only thing funnier than that, is that the OP is still in the Oven.
    the mods even approved him an let him out... then he went an talked shit on othe forums about cr an brain knocked hmi back to the oven with a shit ton of -rep so he will never get out lol
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