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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. sooo places are still taking these things? You all better not fuck up my upcoming assualt on the powell meijer, walmart, giant eagle trifecta, i will stab you in the throat.


    Disclaimer - I will not harm anyone, just dont come up north.


    i get off work in an hour an 45 minuites. im abou to come piss in your wheeties in powell.. bring it!

  2. Why does every one WAnt to meet at sonic. the Food Sucks ass an we meet there all th e freeeking TIME!!! pick somethign else people ....oh that note ill be in the natti raising money for a boats an hoes convention so i wont be attending



    but if i was in town ide say screw this meet :)

  3. try putting off fucking yourself with it until after you break my windshield then, i dont want your shit and brian carters cum all over my car

    i will stab you with a spork

    Paul i dont need a co-signer! i can defend my own e-battles!
    fuck u im bored at work too. btw i seeeee youuuuu( creapy isant it haha)
  4. i picked up 3 packs of AMP and 2 packs of Monster Java from Wal-Mart on Georgesville Rd. yesterday, went through the U-Scan and the young attendant girl came over and scanned the coupons in without even hardly looking at them


    went to Target on W.Broad St. and got 2 packs of Monster, stopped over to the Kroger on W. Broad, right next to the Target, and they were basically like "yeah, fuck off!"


    ahah all the other places let u cause they felt bad for how slow jr is on forza... :bangbang:

  5. mabey is not a typo, that is a true spelling error. :p


    And as for dragging the stang, :gtfo:.

    jsut get your car tuned an we will see :)


    Oh but srsly, try a heat gun on the graphics.

    yea this seems the best route will be doing this weekend

  6. alright fella. if ur car ran as good as ur mouth u might get some respect. i will beat your dumptruck sounding srt anyday.

    FELLA? lol dumptruck sounding srt? nice you shouldnt have any problem beating my high 12 second srt with ur big BADDDD fbody.

    If his car ran as good as his mouth it would be a low 8 second car.

    hahahahahahha i wish i could +rep you ahhh

    i make a licing working on gm's..there is know sense in owning one :p


    high 7's and thats on a bad day

    pssss thats with street tries too

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