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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Screw giving a shit about how fast it is, I went out driving it tonight, loved the sound, loved how well it drove. Hated not having my A/C working, damn door speakers are blown. Car looks great the way it is, it makes me happy. I've decided that I'm done racing it except for rare occasions at the TRACK!! So while I love going fast, I can't afford it, every extra dime I've had for the past few years has gone into this car. Time to focus on something else, who wants to buy nitrous?


    so want to get your rematch race in with me tonight.... ?

  2. I'll smash you Paul. Maybe I could steal and sell your car? It might be worth enough to cover my bill.


    yea.. youve been saying youll beat my cqar for 6 months now... yet yours still sits in a shop..... tisk tisktisk

  3. Congratulations fucker.


    yea his car went in after yours. came out before yours. an ur poopstangs still sittign there looking like shit :bangbang:



    good job robert! now when are we gonna throw a 500+ci in my expedition an make it pull the wheels...?

  4. Damn I wanted to use my Ban Hammer :(


    You take away all my fun I am telling!


    Banning is too easy. I would like to see what CR has in store for him first.

    just give him permission to ban phil. i think every mod has banned phil at some point in time lol

  5. Chicago... or San Diego.

    Chicago coz i love the city, lots to do.. i love the city life.


    Cali - need i really say? this place is beautiful year round. i like my tan!


    i leave in 8 days for vacation.. also to try to find a plafe to live an move back... wanna be my roomie :cool:

  6. welcome to hell


    who invited you hear? that user should be banned


    pot have you meet this kettle?


    wow..you are a moron



    see the pattern in that?

    lol i think scott said he should come over... FAILLLLL.


    now that i think about it... he hasent commented on of this. mabey he realized he refered some DOUChe

  7. Defentalyl back home to San Diego(i leave in 8 days woo)


    i grew up there so i might be biased but.


    There is so much to do there its insane.


    you can drive less an an hour an do ANYTHING you can do in any othe state. hiking in the mountins or enjoy the snow in the winter .

    go to the beach. go to the desert an offroad( augest-may is desert season easibly 250k people go to ride then party at night. go to some of the best lakes(boating season year round. shopping everywhere. the car scene out there is just out of this world. an well the women is the highlight for me yummmy


    an warm year round. none of this -10 degree bull shit. no salt on the roads. yea you have to worry about fires but thats fun haha










    Santa Barbara, California


    this as well... very good place to relax or vacation at

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