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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. No typical protocol for a BOMB threat is to just evacuate one random area of the building instead of the whole thing. :nono:
    actually the building is sooo large at first thye didnt get teh WHOLE buidling out. but then decided to do so.


    dam it was hot out there too

  2. Hahaha so I go to work up in polaris at the chase building. Well I get there an thertes people everywhere outside near the entrances to the lot.


    Turns out there's a box that looks shady so they got everyone out. There is anywhere from 8 to 10 thousand people that work at that building eeeeek haha. Wooo gettin paid to be at easton now wooo.

  3. The funny thing is the people giving him shit are :


    1. slower than him


    2. they don't even have a car that runs


    i beg to differ. i plan on walking him like i did 4 other fbodys at track day including you... :)

  4. I love the way that exhaust looks

    why cause his bumper looks famaliar. a part of a car you see often you slow ass

    hes on a distinguished road but still in the oven, and with 85 posts. lol


    lol...thats gottta be a record amount of fail there

  5. Which is way less retarded to drive than a neon.


    like i said get your turd an run me. after all you have a z06 an ive got a neon. should be a easy kill for you right'? :gtfo:

  6. Anymore???? I have never street raced. That is bad.... mkay.



    who said anythign about racing on the street? there are track days... autoxs road courses shti car shows !! none of which you come to



    mmm clever :jerkit:

  7. Face it.. I own you :p

    yea you hide behind a computer with mod tools... pussy!

    Toddlers own Paul, I hope you are proud of your accomplishment. :o


    dont you have some audi website to go to? talk about the new fashions in audi hats an how most audi ownes are bitches an never drive there cars :gtfo:

  8. just bumping so he thinks he is missing out on something.


    One. Yea u might be "baned from the thread" but its very easy to see what's being saids. Watch to see who's posting then go to thee statistics an posts.... then well it just adds up from there an u see the whole thread. But thanks for bumping it for me



    Back on a serious note jones ur a bitch


    Brian vcarter ur a whiney buty sexy bitch


    Anthony ur just a bitch for giving those two tards any sort of power.

  9. would've gotten one, but our insurance was ridiculous if we got it....so we will just improve on the regular 3 instead....sean is in the middle of doing some stuff to it right now :)

    it's scary seeing it torn apart....:eek:

    you shoudl leave it like that an send it to a junk yard . or get the speed turbo/motor(not sure of the differences with slow cars these days)

  10. what does it take to get "removed from a thread" ? reaason being i have been removed out of two today.. one for just making a dumb ass out of some slow fbody owner the other for saying zing in carltons new thread.? So what out there classifys some one to be banned from a thread? threats... violence too much hostility twords a subject?
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