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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Had a good time today! Met some new people and saw some old friends.


    Here's a pic I tried to photoshop...



    Omg you guys are such ricers!!! Its one big line of fail so big you can't even park in a straight line. Ha

  2. Ummm yeah, this is the dick bag that fucked me on my engine in my boat. Ill be getting ahold of him now that I know hes back in town.


    ..sucks to hear. care to tell the story so people in the future dont get scammed or screwed?

  3. Hummm....I have a fear of commitment so I'll just say that I might come out. It would be nice to finally put some faces to the names. Although I'll admit a bunch of dudes meeting up in a park while there are other manly things to be done (ie car shows or driking) does sound like.... FUN!!!! I'll bring my roller baldes! :gay:


    10 bucks says i beat you in a race on blades....

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