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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I couldn't figure out who was who out there. I still have the the 03 but I don't drive it very often. The water was perfect yesterday. I saw 86.7 on GPS and it felt like it had a little left.


    hmm i mussed of miss this boat flying around.


    sam was the one in the seadoo boat.

    i was the one on the green an white jet ski

    eric lsowned was on teh maroon ish jetski most of the day

    bluemach was the driver of the baja boat

    shanton was the guy taking pictures

    chris was the goofy dude looking off into space haha

    an then total sign was in the other boat with a girl


    an im in pain from yesterdays mix up hahaha


    oh an i love how i gave andrew my jet ski with a full tank an an hour later it comes back with less then a 1/4 tank dick hahaha

  2. Ok So now there is nothign wrong with the current banner we have now for colubmus racing. but dam how long has it been like that an unchanged? i joined in 07 an i swear it looked like that when i started. just for shits an giggles some of you photoshop dorks make up a new banner with your own creativity. now this isant my site an they may not want to change it . btu hey it woudl be cool to see other style designs out there. any one interested in throwing somethign together just to see what we could come up with?
  3. $60 to degunkify a pair of carbs!? What a steal! Glad you got it sorted out.

    yea this shops always been very affordable. an it helps being a very good return customer over an over an over again haha

    now i just have to find time to go pick the dam thing up :(

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