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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. The results have yet to be posted but I think I ended up with a 5th place finish in TTE with a best lap of 1.47.1 Mid Ohio is not my best track:(


    The rest of Pakistan Express did very well. !st and 2nd place in the enduro and a win on Sunday.


    Rob, good to see you there, wish I had more time to chat. Are you going to make the August event?

    for the people that are new to road courses what is tte?


    an what does the enduro conssit of? i assume a longer race obviousily ?

  2. As soon as my ski is together again I am gonna go back up to Indian to play a bit. Ill let you know. On a positive note, I figured out where I was loosing all my rpm's and got that all worked out so I should be another couple mph faster next time out.


    ...you suck! ha ill just be in the back of the pack cruising my 54-58mph...


    i did take the ski tubing yesterday an it did awesome haha... untimaate tubing any one?

  3. Official CR Boat Night Details





    Time: 6:45-7pm we will wait for you to have your Jetski/Boat thewater @ 7:01pm we will be hauling ass across the lake


    Location: 4000 Hollenback Rd, Lewis center OH 43035 or enter you adress in the link below for turn by turn Directions


    This is the main Marina for the lake with plenty of parking.



    this is the typical place we go every thursday. is any one interested in going some where else? i saw a few boats flyign down some where around campus area ish?i cant think of where its at but its almost like near riverside drive? mabey choppy buckeye lake? alum creek is an awesome place i just think ive been tehre 20 times(no joke) in the last month

  4. It was good to meet you guys, too, (even though it was a total sausage fest!) Thanks for having me. I can only imagine the chaos and mayhem that might ensue at a more heavily-attended event. I look forward to future hang-outs, since I have very few real car-guy friends here.


    nice meeting you man



    an big thanks goes out to you for brining some drinnks an cookies!!

  5. off topic today i was bored and running laser i had a guy get mad at me because i keep on hitting his radar detector with my laser.. all the way down the road.. ahh life was beautifull... and just FYI if your in my area i give 15 then sry...


    you are overly gracious IMO. ive gotten pulled over too many times for dumb things these days so im 65 in the slowlane.


    bucky you were speeding he coudl of tickeed you but he didnt. but looks as if he wanted you to know that you were speeding an it was a warning. just take it as it is fool

  6. that sucks. is this the guy we went snowboarding with? goodluck man. does he know your looking to move out before the lease is up? this might put him in a bigger bind with out the second person paying bills...so threatening him with this might make him pay his shit on time an straighten up.. just a thought
  7. stuff i pulled up while remodeling rooms this weekend. the big piles of pieces are full length not cut, the others are in various lenghts. i tried to seperate them by size. darker came from a room about 11'4" by 11-12', the lighter was in a room about 11'4" by like 8-9ft. with the lighter one, we also pulled up some from the hallway, which is about 3x8'...there are a few pieces that are cut to go around door frames, vents, etc, but theres not many


    How big of a room did these come out of? I would hate to buy it an end up two or three boards short


    gezz for 25 bucks a pile just pick it up an if it works great if it doesnt then hell you have left over crap for when you go spend wayy more money somewhere else


    goodluck man youve been tearing in to that house strong!!

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