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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Duct tape.

    too painfull to pull off, even with my shaved balls

    I don't poo unless I'm being paid for it... so that's just about every day at work.


    thats why my cycle has changed to aroudn 3pm everytday lol

  2. haha i take pooos every day at work, same time usually too just get a wad up an wippppeeee it all down then i get to "paper ass gaskets" (haha didnt think any one else called it that) an layer them on eachother to make sure it covers alllll of it an then do my buisness


    if im not in a rush ill put a piece of tp across the front where the wanker goes so it doesnt touce the bowl.



    my problem is no matter what i do my nuts always seeem to touch the seat dammit. i need to get nut reduction or something

  3. dont drive a vette and youll have all the money you would need :)

    his dumb ass traded his custom ls1 60's camaro(67 68 or 69 hell i dont remember) for that lame vette of his

    lol thats pretty much what they told me.



    vettes paid for:)[/QUOTE]






    well do you have any other qualifications besides a car mechanic, an a douche canoe? take any other college courses?

  4. ur car had a break before we ran and u poped your hood and turn some nobs and shit and yeah the mustang is going to be interesting because i have never seen a bbf in a 99-04 car


    adjusting my a/f cause on the last pass it was running wayyyyyyy lean. its cool man we can race again. just be mindfull my car will be the same as it wa son track day. better hope i dont get a fresh set of drag radials :bangbang:

  5. there not excuses. and i admit i got beat by the gayon. i am just saying that it will get beat. i had several issues with my car that day. list- bald streettires = no traction/ clutch slipping, low bottle psi, i was spraying for 3 weeks up untill track day, my exhaust fell of twice at the track. and i havent been to a track since 07 norwalk track day. the srt4 ran well and impressed me. I have never seen a car get hot lapped like that.

    pssssh i had balt street tires an even worse drag radials. i spun to the 660... my exhaust hung low... NO SPRAY eathier.... oh an yea it got hot lapped.. when we raced i think it had liek 30 passes alreaddy on it... tisk tisk


    back on topic ummm tylers car is gonan be so slowww

  6. wise choice coming from a f body owner that got owned by a peon :p


    that neon will be owned. my clutch was slipping, spining off the line and low bottle = me getting beat

    oh come on youve ripped out liek 6 excuses so far 2 a day since track day lol. why cant you just admit that you got beat buy a neon. there is nothing wrong with that. most people have

  7. why is it always 30 vehicles? i dont have a million dollars to spend on one track day :(


    x2 but this event will be held im sure 1.5 hours away at one of the other tracks... an gettin 60 or 70+ people to travel 1.5 hours away is very difficult. its difficult to fill up 30 slots.


    its easy to get traisl to fill up 80+spots casuse its central

  8. has it been sitting? sounds like the carb nees cleaned. I would clean it and change the plugs and im sure it will run better. does it run like crap at wot?


    nope this thing gets riden daily it is left outside but under a cover.


    wot it does the same jsut sputters an barely gets up to speed


    the wierd thing is it just happened all of a sudden. it didnt slowering run liek crap just all of a sudden

  9. When you get a car thats worth my time to race.

    pssss is that so? soo when are you gonan sign up for a autox or a drag day, so i can drag you around?

    Coming from the guy who left the drain plug out of his jet ski haha sorry Paul I had to!
    :( ill give you that it was good lol
  10. if you choke it and it runs better, you might have a fuel problem. choking it makes it run richer so it seems you aren't getting enough gas. bad gas, pinched line, something in the filter, shut off, something like that.

    it ONLY runs better at idle besause well the idle is wayy up. are bikes known to have clugged fuel filters often? i never in the last 15 years had any go bad on me on dirt bikes an quads but these two bikes are my first "street" bikes

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