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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. it is in columbus. i am guessing he parks there because there is room to fit the truck. looking at the way his house is set up, he wouldnt have room to keep it there. so i am guessing he parks it, walks home everyday.




    which sucks for him causee he doesnt have the driveway for it. but at the same time its not his area to park at an its disturbing other people, an he shoudl be considerate enough to move it if someone complains.

  2. ide just put a note in his mail box stating that there have been multiple complaints buy many people in OUR neighborhood that YOUR truck is over here an noe near you. it is a nuisance(sp?) an politely ask him to move his truck. if not... call the cops an say its been here for days an hasent moved.... an a cop will come by an put a warning ticket on it saying he has to move it with in 24 hours or itll be towed...
  3. im in as usual lol


    I'll hopefully be there, and my car should be much faster than it is now :)

    itl be a good race between the two of you , sincne as you both are/will be still slow lol


    edit: im slow as hell as well but im faster then scott on street tires woooo hahahh wooo ahha weee wooo

  4. ok i need to use photo bucket. sorry i have never used it before so i will try my best mr. fairy and i hope i will not let you down. thanks to all who welcomed me.

    its cool you alreaddy let me down, good luck gettin in the forum

  5. your pretty smart for driving a neon.....i guess i need to read everything huh. lol


    good oneeeee clever. doesnt matter what i drive or what you drive, if you cant read the notes stating HOW TO GET IN TO THE FORUM, HOW TO POST PICTURES. after all i made it in driving a neon an all

  6. ok how am i suppose to make an album if im not allowed yet???


    dont make an album you tard. upload them to photobucket an post the image link to here. if you do you might( an i highly doubt it) youll get enough rep to get out of the oven an see the rest of the forum. an then able to make an album.


    how hard is it to read the stickies at the top of the screen saying HOW TO POST A PIC...

  7. was defentalyl abd ass btu i felt liek inbetween 1/2- 3/4 the ride was very dull but then it picked up again

    diamondback was defentally bad ass, but i felt a litle past half way threw the ride. it seem sto slow down and was very dull. but then it picked up an finished strong. if they could fix that pause it would be amazing

    ^What the fuck did you just say Paul??? LOL!!


    sory i really should quit drunk posting lol

    i went tat the beggining of the summer rode every ride 2 or 3 times and diamondback was the only one i waited longer than 5 minutes for. so it was really good. i jus kept doing drop zone like 5x lol. didnt get on fire hawk cuz it wasnt open yet, but ill never ride s.o.b ever again.kings island is better to me than c.p cuz its closer

    nice excuse. your just saying that because your a puss an too scared to ride all the bad ass rides at CP


    totally random i could see mopar being scared of roller coaster an screaming like a little school girl

  8. dang i was hoping someone had the video of scott an i r acing where i beat him ahh lol


    but that truck moves out man.


    scott dude do you always fall asleep at the tree. gezz gary an i both out reactioned you by a ton!!!! must be the old age

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