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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. are you takin the bike paul?

    i dont want to but if i have to i will

    Who you gonna walk? and no I'm not using the nitrous. Let's fix your car after you get off work, or does D42 let cars race bikes?


    We'll be meeting at the truck stop on 71 north just before 36/37, eastsiders should be at the Krogers on E Broad, times pending.


    appreicate it ill cal you as soon as i get off work. i want to take the car so i hope we can jimmy rig something in there

  2. You need to PM anthony. He is taking care of it all now.
    thank you captain obvious but he gets 234907234783 pms a day so he mgith not get to mine hence why i posted in here.


    any spots left? id like to join in if possible
    pm formulized on the forum. he posted in this thread as well with the title track day spots? an see if he has any left. i belive theres 5 left. pm him he will gladly set you up if there are spots left
  3. i don't think we are going to turbo it....we are thinking forced air induction


    not sure though...

    umm a turbo is forced induction,


    dam i just gave + rep before reading this ahhhhh






    ohh boy


    lol, yeah, about that..............


    ....i felt i needed to quote these for affects

  4. the tranny wasnt fucked until after the titanic sunk.

    ugh huh

    You just loose everywhere huh?


    hes jsut bitching cause my setup hasent changed in two seasons an hes worried that his heads cam motor is still gonna get walked

  5. i walked you prior to water distruction. this yr its over for you. while on motor slut
    ummm i do belive i walked you before your sunk your camaro in pickering ton lake.


    your excuse then was your tranny blah blah blah. i guess we will see right

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