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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. u say your runnin 13s? im gonna have to call bs on that. if so. you better get the pen and paper out and take some notes when I get there.


    ill be on lower boost an street tires so im sure illbe runnign 13's.


    there are tons of videos of me racong on here my shits slow..


    its ran a beset of 12.87@109.76

  2. Stop bitchin cause you can't do it....


    ill admit i havent gone out of my way to try it. thats not the point of the game you tard. an i dont belive i put out the offer last night to drif ot drag. you accepted to actualyl race. you didnt wan to race for $ like a bitch an then bitched out mid way threw plain an simple. when you wanna play the game for what it is then lts go.

  3. Buying cars on the auction house = Not setup. And stop hating on drifting just cause you couldn't ever learn to do it, and now your gonna start hating on drag race cause you can't hit 260? Hmm... You seem like you don't like things you can't do.


    i do belive forza 2 was set up to race on road courses.... not to drift or drag.... the 3rd one might but the second one nope none in there

  4. We're looking into a mobile version of CR.


    o reallllyyyyy ..... thats interesting so long as you have the option to use it as a mobile or regual site. i hate goign to sites on my phone an the only option is use it as mobile sucks ass. so i hope if youi decide to do so that you dont go this route

  5. Paul, blow another motor up bitch. And i can fucking set up cars to run tracks, but im not gonna spend hours tuning a D class car, then a C class, ETC. Just so i can fucking race them one time, sounds pointless.


    then go to the auction house an buy one alreaddy set up. or ask one of your drift fags to borrow one

  6. Thats why you use stock cars, unless someone fucks up, its neck n neck the whole time. And since when are stock cars boring? Stock Z06 and shit? Your fuckin lame. You can't agree to one damn rule im asking. I could give a fuck less what track were on long as were using stock cars.
    way way way just cause you cant set up cars to run quick isant my fault .


    Im done with this stupid shit


    awww look hes quitting just like he did last night in the middle of the third race cause he was so far behind. i think even alex was beating him haha



    go light up another blunt an run your shit into a telephone pole :gtfo:

  7. Your completely avoiding the whole thing here paul. You want to use "Tuned" cars etc, and CHOOSE the track you tune the car on. You can make a 1100 HP Charger B Class, Rape straight away courses, you can make a 1500LB Elan rape B cass courses that have tight turns, im not trying to tune a car so you can choose what were doing. Thats why im trying to use stock cars, with collisions off, so we can see whos better.


    you pick the track then if your worried that i tuned a car for a track. fuck stock cars thats boring as shit. the reason why i keep colliosions on is so you have to pick the best line to get around them. oooo i can run straight threw some one an pass them. noo learn to drive

  8. You obviously didn't understand a word i just said, and last night, i did win a race. I beat you guys in that C Class shit when i was using the Saleen. I wasn't even down for these gay ass races, let alone you getting to pick the track everything. And fuckin lets do 2$ a race up to 10$ w/ stock cars tonight sure. Bone fucking stock from the forza garage. Oh, and what kinda fucking noobs leave on collisions? Cmon now...


    umm actually you lost the c class race as well you ran two races an teh 3red you skipped out half way threw. stock cars mehee build some cars. set it up the right way an you wont have any problem.

  9. Xbox racing is serious business.


    meh not really. but when you acccept to race for money( as low as a dollar) an then back peddle cause its nto drift fagness or drag racing. an then bitch out in the middle of a race cause ooo i dont have any cars blah blah blah not my fault lol

  10. Yeah you beat me in the two races, because i was using stock cars. I dont have any fucking D C B A class cars etc. When your racing to see whos better skill wise, you all use the same stock car. Its extremely funny that i stayed with you both of the races too, yet again, IN STOCK CARS.

    so then you shouldnt have any problem beating me then, with not stock cars right? wanna do 2 dollars a race? mabey even 5? i mean since your so fast with stock cars an all build some cars an lets race for some money. oh an thats race as in road course not thei drift bull shit or this drag. real road course racing

  11. Maybe... willing to bet your jet ski on it.... oh wait, it was sunk lol:bangbang:



    muahagha we pulled it out an i got all the water outta the motor an everyting seems to be good( thursday will tell)


    anyways bacm on topic. if any one ever wonders why i suck at typing so bad its because i type on my phone all the time

  12. 04srturbo- I have never heard of that phone. is it like a slide phone with a keyboard

    yea its a touch screen then slides open an has a full keyboard

    I use my Cell 100%, well... I get the internet on my computer through my Phone :D

    im going to walk y ou this saturday as well :bangbang:

  13. haha. yeah I have heard his car is pretty fast. hopefully I can get mine running right that way all you lt1 haters can see that the lt1 is capable of running strong


    pssssssh the onyl lt1 that seems fast is flippys an his runs liek 10s or 11;s every other lt1 runs 13;s it seems.


    ah mny cars just a slow neon.

  14. don't srt-4s have bad wheel hop and torque steer. how will you get off the line on street tires. well see about me getting you on the bottle. its still don't run right on the spary because of my coolant temp sensor but I got a new one, just got to put it on.

    solid motor mounts help with the wheel hop. an i put down 337 tq. ive got plenty of tq steer but its easily controlable. even if you do get me offf the line ill pull you in. :bangbang:

    My money will be on Paul, I've seen his car run :cool:
    why thank you sir

    i just hope anthony saves me a spot cause i cant pay till tomorrow lol

  15. How late does A to Z stay open? I would have to go after work......Yeah, quality's mark up is starting to be a little ridiculous, but if people are willing to pay it then you can't be mad at that.


    Its a one man shop. He stayed to finsih my car till 11 once. Just give him a call to set up an appointment he will quote u over the phone an he will take care of you.

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