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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Ill get some out over the weekend. My wife has the camera and I havent downloaded pics in a while. Spending all my time in the shop. Hoping to have it together pretty soon.


    we dont have to have pics. just an update. is the motor an tranny in an settled. what else do you have left.? come on i miss this car walking me( why i tryed to race it was beyooond me)

  2. You should have tossed a dollar into the air so that it flipped a couple of times and landed on the counter and just walk out and do all of this while walking in slow motion.


    99cent bag of chips plus tax. they woudl call the cops on him for steeling for not paying it in full ha

  3. spoilers maybe





    I do agree with all the zoomed in shit, sometimes all you could see were piles of metal thrashing around especially when optimus was fighting in the woods, but it was still awesome. Optimus is a total badass this time around, and megatron's just the opposite. He gets fucked up and flies away every fight..

    wtf im goig to come over an take a shit in your trashcan at your cubicle.

  4. good movie and sideswipe being the vette he is kicks all kinds of ass but totally ripped off my saying but i'll allow it it was for good reason with good timing. :)


    one part i said please be _______ FUCK you bastards thats not right .........


    and yes some sad parts i can't believe those 3 died


    alrigth thats it im beating the shit out of you gusy the next time i see you

  5. I only have a carport, and i'ts driving me nuts not having a garage. I need somewhere that I have easy access to the car as I will want to drive on nice days. I live in the Fishinger/Dublin Road area. Any ideas on where/price of a storage garage in that area? I think I remember paying somewhere around $65 a month when I had my 5.0, those prices may be long gone though, not sure. Thanks!


    check the 24 hour storage units. that make some large enough for cars. an some allow cars to be stored. drive to there take mustang out put your daily in the storage. it woudl be a pain in the butt but itll be in a gated video taped area. but make sure you find one that your allowed to access 24 hours a day lol


    just a thought

  6. Ive been burning myself the last few years but the guy next door had the police over to visit when he was burning the other week.


    hmm drive out to an empty road an throw it in a field since its jsut brush. last week reynoldsburg had a waste drop off but that was last week

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