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Posts posted by SRTurbo04

  1. i know its far for you but youseff at a2z window just does amazing work. all my cars have been 150... my 2004 grand prix(similiar in size to your 300) my neon. my buddys g5 my buddys camaro. goodluck man. dont settle on a shop that doesnt do as good as work to save a few bucks.
  2. hahahaha fubur bitched out of the money races cause we wernt drag racing or drifting. an then left in the middle of a race an procedded to tell alex that i am a horrible driver... yet i do belive i won all the races he was in haha ahhh welll im bored now dam
  3. Meh, I'll be on Live, but I'll be playing Mass Effect. I bought it when it came out and never played it, and now that I hear that Mass Effect 2 is going to transfer your progress from the first game, I want to beat it now.

    come on you havnet played in forever

  4. and you wouldnt let me drive it? i let you drive mine :mad: lol


    thats because im smarter then you are lol..... SNAP! dude you shattered your rear end on the launch your first time out at the track lol


    alex if you have the miles on the car an the money then trailer it up

  5. Meet at Hooters on Friday and do a few laps around 270? We might have to stop a few times (my back is fucked up and goes partially numb/hurts a fuckton when I drive for too long), but I think we could do it.


    ive got pills for that were good

  6. ECU should be here Thursday like you said Paul, and I will be picking up my resistor tomorrow. This could actually work out.....


    i told you emo kid calm down get it installed asap so we can get some break in miles on it so youll be ready . an if everythign works out then ill be ready to drag that bitch down the 1320

  7. alex wanna take my SC instead? you break it you fix it

    ill take that thanks. lol

    Thanks for the offers guys but I wouldn't really feel comfortable driving anyone else's car.


    I'd rather drive the slow green car than the silver one.

    dude alex you shoudl see my car an my bike at track days its the track whore on any given track day 8+ people will drive or ride it down the track i dont care. i know your butt hurt but quit your bitchen you have another car an you have peopel offering to use there cars. take your sc300 down to a trails next week sometime.

  8. I was told last Tuesday that it had shipped. Then, today, I was informed that they "finally found one for me and it had just shipped". Great. :nono:


    It's shipping from Bridgeport, TX and I have no idea when it will get here. Any way I look at it, I won't have enough time to break it in, and I REALLY don't want the break in to be some hard passes down the 1320. I think that I'm pretty much fucked.

    its comign from texas? itll be here by thursday easy. mabey before

    the break in can easily be aroudn town friday sometime an then jsut drive the 300 up there an hour an a half thall be enough time an miles to put on it. worse case if anythign goes wrong there is plenty of people with trailers there willing to help .

  9. My ECU will not be here, the stupid motherfuckers just shipped it today when I was told last Tuesday that the thing was shipped? Anything seem wrong to you guys here?


    So the car will not be ready for the track day and I am anything but amused right now. I'm thinking about bringing the Supra, but we shall see. I wish that the fucking communication between buyer and seller was there for this deal. I guess I learned something else about how NOT to run my business.....


    Fuck everything and everybody right now.


    tell them to over night that crap if its a week late. i woudl not settle man. look if its not here jstu bring t he soopra to get used to the power down a track an then next week enjoy ur 300. thats why having multiple toys pays out in the end cause you always have a backup car.

  10. i try to do as much as i can. perfect example last night my jetski sunk. literally. i had no idea what to do but cr did help me threw what i needed to do. i took there advised an steps an got the jet ski back up an runnning. i try to do most the work i can but im very limited with my time. tools, an knowledge. theres only so much i can do. plus somethings that are more complex are best left to pros.
  11. I have noticed people knocking the new Camaro because of lack of headroom but I am 6'6" 340 and was completely comfortable in it; enough for the interior room not to be a consideration for buying one. My dad is 6'4" and 250 and was also very comfortable in it. I never hit my head in usual motions, only if I tried to do it to check head room would it hit.

    wierd because ajs short as hellll

    I've seen 2 in person now, honestly not as big of a car as it looks in pics but very good looking in person.


    Sounds like yet another car I won't really fit in if your skinny short ass is touching the roof AJ!!

    hahaha exactally what i was saying lol skronny little bastard.

    there is a guy that lives down the road from my workds or ownes the tattoo shop at liquid vision an it looks liek he traded e in his late viper gts in for a new camaroooo ss... tisk tisk

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