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Everything posted by vw151

  1. The title said toy hauler, I expected a much larger vehicle. Either way, nice blazer, if it gets you to the track more often then more power you to you.
  2. So...... I chopped the tail on my monster, sold the CF beer tray and made a video. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B-oyV7PRgg I know, I'm a big dork that likes to whore pictures on the internet. There I said it. Anyway, I like the song.
  3. nice. It has sound. haha, I come into view about 1:48 and get passed around 2:10. Nice!!!! I'm not gonna lie. I'm looking a little intermediate. Brandon is definitely way faster than me. Hopefully I can get a full season of track days in next year rather than breaking a bone early on.
  4. couple of photos as well are now up on dviant images
  5. Added a few more videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efcFxLBg5ew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSbK-uf1wdg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwZKqFsfLGI
  6. do you have a sound card? you probably need to install the right drivers.
  7. what do you use to edit your videos?
  8. get some sound on your vids!!!! lol. let's see it.
  9. no worries, deposited the check today. Good to finally ride with you a little, keep an eye out for my videos on youtube. You are in some of them hanging out behind me for a bit
  10. This will be going on ebay soon. Would love to sell it locally though.
  11. I started a thread over at STT as well for pics and vids. http://www.sttforum.com/sttforum/viewtopic.php?p=43835#43835
  12. because it's freaking cool!!!!! woh, left onto the straight or how bout coming down the hill. I wish this one had better focus Amazing. You gotta go to vintage just so you can walk through the pits and see these contraptions close up.
  13. You need to get to vintage days at Mid-OH. They run them up there that weekend. I shot a ton of cool pics of them Here is a good one crazy. By the way, I think they call them side hacks. more pics mixed in with some stuff from my first track day and other shennanigans can be found here. http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r197/vw151/mid%20ohio/?start=40
  14. Thanks for grabbing that charger man. Yah, the cold surface and sand in Turn 1 was seemed to give a lot of people greif. I personally witnessed 2 high sides happen close enough in front of me that I had to change my line to go around the sliding bikes. Unfortunately 1 of them was a guy that came down and shared the garage with us. Either way, it was very cool for me to get out and ride in the A group for the first time. I felt "very slow" compared to them but also felt, it was the best place to be. Only way to go faster is to ride with faster people. And hey, I did pass a guy so I wasn't the slowest!!! I can't wait till next year to get out at Mid-OH again.
  15. vw151

    good meeting you Roland. How did the rest of your day go on Sunday?

  16. The tractor belongs to a guy in a group out of DC on meetup.com called kneedraggers101. found at http://www.meetup.com/kneedraggers-101/ He bought the truck on ebay and had the trailer from racing cars for GM then for BMW, he hooked the trailer up to the tractor, took pictures and got the whole set up titled as a mobile home. The trailer has "living quarters" So now as long as the trailer is on it he can drive it with out an A licence or a need to pull into weigh stations. He said he still pulls into the stations though just so he doesn't have to explain himself to the police when they see him drive by. The trailer can hold 14 bikes. They brough 10 down. Really cool.
  17. Yah, it was a silly move. I had just never ridden A before. I wanted to bump up to A next track day but not on a brand new track. In retrospect after riding in A both days at CMP. It wasn't so bad. I didn't feel I held anyone up, I held my lines and was just the slow guy in the group. It was much better than even running intermediate where I always find at least a few people that are holding me up but I don't know how to pass. Anyway, A group for me from here on out. I feel 100 times safer being passed 6 inches away by them than any of the I group people 6 feet away.
  18. Got 1 video uploaded and put together. More to follow this week hopefully. Pics to follow too. Rick and I are about 2.5 hours from home in the twisty hills of WV on I-77. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLJM2j-tzro
  19. vw151

    Go Pro HD

    more details please. and what is GB?
  20. vw151

    Go Pro HD

    Can we get some test footage please. Get that shit on youtube. This camera should be bad assed.
  21. We are set up in garage 23. See you next door. Saturday is looking good. Sunday, not so much.
  22. $100 come buy my stand. I'll give you a free beer, that you must drink on premises if you come to my house to pick it up. That is probably a $1 value depending on what I have in the fridge that day.
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