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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I'm Confused that there are several Natural Ice cans inside the Taco Bell trash.
  2. I hope the towing company cannot show invoices like this in the past.
  3. 12 hours? I could of got it out with binder twine, in 12 hours.
  4. I got it under my fingernail, that's enough.
  5. I can't tell if rear axle leaking or if dried dog pee.
  6. If you go to trial for a MM or M what type of trial is it?
  7. Your question is the opposite of what I was saying. And the answer is obvious.
  8. Wasn't me but I can agree an X Gf's ability to measure my testicles to determine if I got laid or not, is highly accurate.
  9. Not at all. Fartmuppet is a dueshe. Just stating the what ifs, "maybe" throwing in facts. All Other the other talk is gossip, which bores me.
  10. http://thenewspaper.com/rlc/news.asp?ID=3737http://thenewspaper.com/rlc/docs/2012/oh-mutcd25.pdf
  11. Speeding excessivelyTinted windows Again you start with would this accident have happened if the other party wasn't engaged in unlawful activity. This on the criminal charge of failure to yield right of way. You could still be 20% responsible on the civil side. So in this cuntpuppit hits biker case. If cuntpuppet #1 hadn't opened his mouth and biker was unlawfully passing, cuntpuppet could have said he spilled coffee in court. Now depending if the biker was engaged in unlawful activity, there's an argument for " trialpuppets" defense. If the biker didn't have a endorsement he shouldn't have been there to begin with. Does he only have his temps? passenger shouldn't be there.
  12. Sounds like LT couldn't prove the other drivers speed #1, and if that speed could be proven was it fast enough. You start with, if this person hadn't of engaged in this unlawful activity, would the accident have happened. Your 1st story is what I'm talking about.
  13. I do believe in a genetic ability give take theory. a naturally amazing artist is not typically a math wizard.
  14. Then we're safe right? Criminals can hide it we can hide it.
  15. weird. First I've heard of this discovery.
  16. Goldfish grow really fast on a large diet of ticks pulled off the dog.
  17. To be clear, you can't be charged for failure to yield right of way if the other vehicle is operating unlawfully. You pull out of your driveway and the guy coming down the road hits you on the side of your car. If you can prove he was speeding you won't get criminally charged failure to yield right of way. Hopefully. Also you're hauling ass down the road on your bike. Dude pulls out in front of you. If he can prove you were speeding, you're screwed.
  18. A female judge in Canton, is an all around bad person.
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