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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Gump

    Steel Buildings

    The two contractor quotes are this year. The building is 16' tall to accommodate 14' tall garage doors. The steel, besides assembling yourself and needing to pour precise concrete pads, the kit is bare bones, you then need to install boards inside to hang things et cetera. On wood you also want 3ply columns and not just treated posts when going 16' or they twist. Post protectors are important also. They do not need to be the full length of the underground post only the first 16". I don't know crap about construction and there are a ton of other little things the contractor can leave out or skimp on if you do not research it. Like overhangs, cheap skirtboards, gutters, grade gaurds, vapor barriers, et cetera. My thought was, turn key with concrete for around $35,000 for a 40x60(64)x16. $30,000 if I source my own garage doors.
  2. Gump

    Steel Buildings

    My Amish contractor/friend was the same price as a non-Amish builder called pole barns direct. Funny that the pole barns direct company brokers out their jobs to Amish crews. Go figure.
  3. No. But insurance companies care about points and this ticket is bs. I'm pretty sure their radar gun was bought on eBay.
  4. Gump

    Steel Buildings

    A lot Less, if you value your time. thats with a contractor building it. You don't lift a finger. I'll post up some quotes, if I can find them, comparing the two types.
  5. In this case the suggested yellow speed is the same as the speed limit sign which is a curve before the yellow suggested sign I'd guess it's 55 after the 35 yellow suggested speed as there are no speed limit signs for a mile. I was clocked after the yellow suggested speed curve by Barney who was sitting just outside the city limits sign, yet I was in the township limits leaving town. a goofy speed trap is what it is. In my town it's 35 coming into town, yet 55 going out of town on the same stretch of road. I do the same on the bike with the suggested's. Except those big black and yellow curve signs with no suggested speed then it's a crap shoot. My bothering with this ticket, besides its BS, is mainly that it's 2 points in a 35 but would be 0 points if in a 55. plea it down to a non-moving violation is the plan b if it doesn't get thrown out for various reasons.
  6. Lawyer got me in front of the judge before court actually started to plead not guilty and set a court trial. At least I didn't have to wait with the other 30 people's. Barney also Left the ticket blank in the proof of insurance section on the ticket. It was given to Barney at the time of the stop. Attorney took the insurance proof and handled it.
  7. Allegedly, in an OutbAck wagon on 2 wheels.
  8. It's not really relevant but where do you ever see a curve signs speed limit the same as the speed limit.
  9. I understand yellows are not enforceable yet why is it there as if it's a 55mph zone.
  10. Barney has the complaint date as the 7th (error) and the ticket date is the 3rd. We'll see what happens. Lawyers working to get it thrown out on a time frame technicality basis.
  11. What sense does that make? Fighting a ticket for 62 in a 35. Leaving a small town. There are State route signs, then a curve, 35 speed limit sign, then another curve with suggested yellow curve speed of 35, then the point Barney allegedly clocked me while he was siting outside city limits from a 1/2 mile away. Barney congratulated me on being his fastest ever clocked.
  12. Really? For deer? No more plugs needed?
  13. Gump

    Steel Buildings

    I looked at this steel vs. wood 40x60 in depth before and came to the conclusion that steel would cost me the same for wood and yet I'd have to build the steel myself and the concrete pads for steel is more expensive and involved. Watch out for those steel guys, they're sharks.
  14. No rot starting on the lower ends near the grass of the t1-11? Did you paint the ends of the boards maybe?
  15. Tiny bit of tear gas at a Akron U riot/street party decades ago.
  16. Tisk tisk, they Shoulda called OUPS. You should go ask them that with a straight face.
  17. My 2 cents. I wouldn't pay a dime for anything t11. That crap rots quick regardless of paint. Maybe siding over t11 to match the house.
  18. Valve stem loose? Maxp had this happen at the Gap. It was a complicated shitty event of fueled confusion that could have been simpler by having just one valve stem cap that doubles as a valve stem tool.
  19. My Vote For Pedro t-shirt has shipped!
  20. I keep having this annoying dream that while sleeping I'm holding a lit cigarette between two fingers and I can't fall all the way asleep or I'll catch fire. But I'm already sleeping. I don't smoke.
  21. It's hard to determine anything factual with all the BS reporting. I watched a CNN report that said, in part, Putin wants to help Assad because Putin in general hates it when leaders are challenged. Give me a break.
  22. I dunno. I thought Russia gives s damn because of this. And U.S. cares because of this while ISIS is an annoyance. "The discovery in 2009 of a new gas field near Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, and Syria opened new possibilities to bypass the Saudi Barrier and to secure a new source of income. Pipelines are in place already in Turkey to receive the gas. Only Al-Assad is in the way. Qatar along with the Turks would like to remove Al-Assad and install the Syrian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is the best organized political movement in the chaotic society and can block Saudi Arabia's efforts to install a more fanatical Wahhabi based regime. Once the Brotherhood is in power, the Emir's broad connections with Brotherhood groups throughout the region should make it easy for him to find a friendly ear and an open hand in Damascus
  23. Didn't Rissia tell us to get out of Syria? Screw them if true. Its nothing to do with Teerorists. This is about control for future monetary gains as usual.we're in a de facto war with Russia. We both want Assad out. Isis just happens to be the red herring. We're bombing each other's allies
  24. https://thewilds.columbuszoo.org/home/visit/plan-your-visit/hours They're open Saturday and sunday this month. The Wilds, not Columbus zoo. It's really close to Zanesville.
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