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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Didn't see it is never a defense. Speed limit signs do however need to be specific height without obstructions. MUTCD, they have no case. 24x30" sign. 5' from the surface of the road to the bottom of the sign in rural areas. 7' in business, come recital, or residential areas. 2' from the obstruction edge(gaurd rail) thats near the roadway to the sign. 12' from the edge of the roadway in rural areas. Either "area" designation, the sign is improperly posted.
  2. The biggest problem with immigrants is the probable free shit they get on tax payers dimes. The other is national security. If those problems exist, build a border fence along with land mines.
  3. Im assuming they're on FMLA leave and with some sort of disability pay. Medical care out of pocket co-pays should be the only money leaving there pocket now, if they have insurance.
  4. And the principle is...................................................….............dumb
  5. "If" mudpuppet has enough insurance it will pay lost wages. If not, they they'll go after his assets.
  6. Seminar day: Boring topic 70 ceiling tiles 4 doors 7 windows 12 light fixtures, 36 bulbs 4 shandeliers, 78 bulbs 16 sprinkler heads
  7. If you're going to die at least you'll have lube.
  8. Do they or the turdpuppet have no insurance? Health or vehicle?
  9. Agree. Might be different if the cager kept his mouth shut.
  10. In my example it got treated as a no-fault. Each party and their insurance companies are on their own. Might not sound right but laws arent always fair. Judges also might not like it but they can't argue case law or whatever it's called.
  11. I'll try and find the ORC on it. Cops don't know the law, they'll charge you sure, but a skillful attorney would get it dismissed. Seen it, dude ran a red light, gets hit, sited for the accident. Other driver admitted what speed he was going which was unlawful. Charges dropped. Other party can't sue.
  12. In Ohio you cannot be charged if the other vehicle was operating unlawfully. Which the bike seemingly was.
  13. If they're using a laser, yes, you are screwed if speeding and the laser tone goes off. This "Fuzzbuster" is over ten years old. The other detected bands, you often get a decent warning.
  14. Lawyers on that.My fuzz buster went off just before about halfway thru the curve and seconds before there was a line of sight between him and I. There were tree branches and other curves between him and I. I'm at the top of the hill he's at the bottom. He had to be a at least a 1/4 mile away when there was line of sight and the fuzz buster went off. Maybe he clocked a large bird. I didnt think anything of it when when it went off. I wasn't speeding.
  15. They sometimes randomly check for violations so they can jack your rates. Or if your getting quotes or changes. I think insurance companies pay more attention to the records of younger drivers. I dunno
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