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Everything posted by Gump

  1. As intelligent as whales are, I wonder if they poop on purpose then return later to eat the bait fish. If poop indirectly attracts bait fish.
  2. How do you know if you're really a good pooper?
  3. 4 straight pipes out the side, like a vet.
  4. Nice car by the way. That'll last you.
  5. Maybe he was eating the not really gluten free but advertised as gluten free Cheerios and he got sick.
  6. Mufflers will not re-deem your man card. I call bs on Fuelly. 6 in an outback wagon averages 24.5. Unless that motor sucks or something.
  7. playing Operation wierdo
  8. Gump

    nEo oct 4 Sunday

    Roads are still wet and they're running radar in Salineville.
  9. Gump

    nEo oct 4 Sunday

    Off topic but You could meet at the BP at the 224 and 11 exit. Stand up guy runs it named Nivin. I locked my key fob, phone, wallet,in a rental car there when I stopped to pee. He let me use his cell phone, the office phone, gave me pops, a chair, et cetera for the long AAA wait. Made it not suck. I might make this ride if you're headed south. I can meet at the gas station at Bergohlz or Amsterdam, if you know about what time you'll be there.
  10. /\ this and Sumitomo tires suck. Although NTB did me right on the warranty and sold me something else.
  11. Obama, your words are complete vote snatching, fear inciting, piles of shit. Anti-gunner BS. You just made every retard, think/fear, guns r the problem and attacked every law abiding gun owner. I'm still disgusted with how you directly use your position for your party's votes, you're supposed to be the damn leader. There's a plague of sissys in this country.
  12. the unthinkable happened
  13. It is! We should. There's one on the 10th in Ashland I'll probably attend.. I didn't search central ohio.
  14. Wish I had that excuse. Friggin weird dream.
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