The state promotes hunting leases...I guess you could say it took the good ol' boy network out of the picture slightly. The most powerful thing in the world is money. Problem I have is Joe Smoe owns 5 acres than invites 4 buddies to hunt and tramps all over everyones property including mine. So ya I'd rather lease it to someone paying than let him hunt on it. That right there is what ticks land owners off more than anything. Cityiots they are called. They move to the country, get a 1 acre lot with a trailer than trespass all day long or just drive down and start hunting. Kinda ruins the trust land owners had with eachother or just in general.Then if a landowner does let someone hunt the owner gets sick and tired of all the problems they hear about trespassers and this guys hunting on my side and that guy didn't follow the rules, you finally say screw it and lease it out. Now the guy paying money and maybe the owner will come down on your ass like hammer if you tresspass on leased property. Cityiot morons with no repsect ruin a lot of things.