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Everything posted by Gump

  1. ^agree. We have opinions on those also that may be valuable.
  2. ones hot and ones cold? We need 3 dimensional flat screens
  3. not too bad...your nipples are huge compared to your breast. but that's attractive and they are Symmetrical
  4. EPIC FAILURE Even after calling naked ladies art it turned to Penis.
  5. That could be a girl with a haircut? but it's not very fun...
  6. Lets call it female art then....this is for Art purposes..... Post your female art....Preferably well lit with a nice back drop...
  7. Never thought about randomly stealing pens. Might be fun.
  8. I am the Boss...but i like the idea ...i'd have to find a more tactful way of saying, "i suck the wang" though in a more business like fashion with a hint off sarcasm that says that without saying it.
  9. Can you post pics with your lips either closed or open next time....it throws me off...
  10. Every other day one of them gets hooked. Ticks me off.
  11. I ordered one. The instructions are in french? Anyone else put one on? Any tips? and what brand of tail light did you go with?
  12. I thought 6" was average....Darn it........
  13. I have one card.Discover 14% they i turn my rewards into cash and pay towards the balance. Thye up'd it to $50 before u can cash it in latley prolly figured out they were paying me. :-)
  14. I'll see if i can find his number. he was good. i just turned in my cetificate to the sheriff. $55
  15. I thought it was Marital artists....You'd have to ask the ladies on how to skimp out on thousands of dollars for free. member of the women haters club--north end
  16. more seriously, i love the Adopt a family for christmas deal. We did this at work and the family actually comes and picks up the stuff. You get a feeling of satisfaction knowing that it actually went somewhere and not some Goodwill employees pocket or a gubment employees pocket..
  17. I painted gym lockers at the ymca...had to skip the bottom of one because of the condom and nasty jock strap though. Cleared a trail for the girl scouts--Day of Caring...
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