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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I'm stuck in Nashville at the GAYlord Opry land resort for computer training...my stomachs killing me and i'm shacked up in my room while my co-workers are drinking, watching live HEEHAW and learning how to line dance...O and i had to change my room because the water pump for niagra falls went off randomly between 15 seconds and 5 minutes from 3am to 7am...and i had to fly from Pittspuke to Texas to get here cause of the weather. brokeback mutton is some funny shit...
  2. funny....but NIcks right about males mines "pissing" me off. i think the puppy's hitting puberty so the darn cat thinks he has to mark his territory or something..and the cats fixed....the little fugger..
  3. badass Wally mart have those yet?
  4. R U HIGH? Cats destroy shit with Urine.......i'd rather have 10 horses than another friggin cat......
  5. thanks a lot..seems a little better today...
  6. the docs notes say diverticulitis.....i'm laying off the fiber like you said makes sense...thanks...mt.dew seems to sooth it. the pain goes away for 5 minutes or so.
  7. thanks everyone. my girlfriends making me eat fiber stuff...this stuff hurts.. the ER doc just said get a colonoscopy and follow up with the liver thing?... Nick so why did they remove them? Did they have to cut you open or go in the out? 777 so don't eat tons of fiber bars and stuff just eat yogurts and things then after they heal crank the fiber..thanks sucks i got my new Micron exhaust finaly and i'm to worn out to put it on.
  8. Gump

    How to bump fire

    i just bought the cable type cleaner kit from sportsmansguide.com 4 the AR works great...
  9. Gump

    How to bump fire

    i wanna do it just to freak out the neighbors......
  10. My stomach's been killing me. Bothering me for months and craps progressed.After eating i can't breath, feel bloated,physically i am bloated, my stomach hurts to touch it, can't lay on my side, bad taste in my mouth, gas was coming out of both ends, stomach makes crazy noises after eating, i puked in my mouth on the way home today. Went to the docs yesterday he sent me to the ER they did all kinds of tests cat scan showed sac's on my intestines (colon), they called it Diverticulitis, and spots on my liver? said i need more fiber. Get a colonoscopy and more liver tests. they gave me vicodin, flagyl and ciprofloxacin now i'm up can't sleep all night, got the runs, my stomach is making all kinds of noise. It's felt like there's no room in my gut for anything this last week. Friggin sucks. I have to fly to Nashville Sunday not going to be fun...Anyone been thru this kinda thing before?
  11. it wasn't as bad a you thought...you were only typing to yourself...
  12. that thing is amazing...who's spaceship dropped that off?
  13. Gump

    How to bump fire

  14. Gump

    How to bump fire

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-nUA52BS3c pretty sweet....
  15. IT'S wierd some people look exactly like they did 10 years ago then others the only thing the same is their eyes?
  16. Gump


    NO shit? i've watched all the episodes i could watch thru Netflix. Man, what hapened to the real Starbuck?....darn it.
  17. I hate SHEEP..Growing up we were always given orphans to try and raise and they always died...some were maggot infested...ewe, get it ,,,ewe
  18. i got one? like 3 weeks ago.it's kinda annoying yet ..Kinda cool to see pics of old school mates....send me a friend request....sexy do You have one?
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