My stomach's been killing me. Bothering me for months and craps progressed.After eating i can't breath, feel bloated,physically i am bloated, my stomach hurts to touch it, can't lay on my side, bad taste in my mouth, gas was coming out of both ends, stomach makes crazy noises after eating, i puked in my mouth on the way home today. Went to the docs yesterday he sent me to the ER they did all kinds of tests cat scan showed sac's on my intestines (colon), they called it Diverticulitis, and spots on my liver? said i need more fiber. Get a colonoscopy and more liver tests. they gave me vicodin, flagyl and ciprofloxacin now i'm up can't sleep all night, got the runs, my stomach is making all kinds of noise. It's felt like there's no room in my gut for anything this last week. Friggin sucks. I have to fly to Nashville Sunday not going to be fun...Anyone been thru this kinda thing before?