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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Dude, because your trying to take it to a level beyond discussion of personal opinions.
  2. They went on strike. We could not afford the increases they demanded. We hired replacement workers.(scabs you could say) We negotiated and they still would not agree, or i should say the Union head would not agree, he really misled his workers in my opinion, we offered jobs back to the guys as non-union workers and a few crossed the lines and came back. Sad thing is they got better pay, insurance and vacations than all the other employees and yet they wanted more. It was actually sad, i grew up with a lot of them and they were like father figures and friends. They followed the trucks around as told to do by the union to harass the scab drivers, when we would stop for a delivery they would ask if we wanted to goto lunch with them because we were all buddies. Kinda wierd. they just squeezed and squeezed we could only take so much. There positions were replaced and there were no positions for them to return to.
  3. i run a business. And we had to remove the Union or we would not be in business today. Simple fact
  4. Unions preach to give you more rights as an employee that are Lawfully any employees without a Union...
  5. "We will pass the Employee Free Choice Act." President Obama recently made this statement to AFL-CIO leaders in a videotaped address, according to the March 4 edition of the The Wall Street Journal. Scary stuff for employers. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would mean the most aggressive, sweeping changes to the U.S. labor rules since the National Labor Relations Act was passed more than 70 years ago. Many observers predicted that the current economic crisis would force Congress to delay action on this bill-but that's increasingly starting to look like wishful thinking. Union officials have released statements from Nobel-winning economists and other business experts supporting EFCA, and they're ready to spend millions of dollars and volunteer hours this spring pressuring Congress to pass the legislation. And, of course, President Obama is clearly behind the bill. Why should you worry? For employers large and small, EFCA is very bad news: * It paves the way for union organizers to expand quickly into new workplaces by collecting signed cards without your knowledge (instead of holding a formal secret-ballot election). * If 50 percent or more of your workers sign those cards, boom: You're unionized. No more campaigns, no more voting-signatures alone will be enough to get the job done. * EFCA also gives federal arbitrators the brand-new authority to impose labor contracts in your workplace if you fail to reach agreement with union locals within 120 days of the union's formation. Join us on May 5 for a very frank, practical discussion of EFCA and the dangers it poses for your workplace. Our speaker-a former National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) field attorney who's now an experienced management-side labor lawyer-will share strategies for preparing in advance for this legislation and safeguarding your workforce against unfair union organizing tactics. You'll learn what you can (and cannot) do to protect your organization without running afoul of the law-and why you must prepare right now to keep your workplace union-free. CRAP this should be moved to the politics section..sorry
  6. My dog ate my bag of poo once. Very disturbing. I had to remove the toilet to fix the Johnny o-ring. left the toilet outside on the porch. then i had to go the next morning said screw it, put a grocery bag in the toilet and went at it. Very liberating moment, with the wind and all. Went to work came home and the bag was open and no poo. Still almost makes me puke.
  7. Why don't they just uncap thier water well?
  8. i had a 924...it was the funnest car to drive i've ever had.
  9. i don't allow farting on my short bus..
  10. Gump

    Gump Bumps

    good idea..it was a "Blast". i have to wait 2 months for more ammo...i should bring it to the hollar and show Bubby Carl a real gun. We should start a rumor down there that we're in the Irish Mafia...
  11. It must a really really stunk...
  12. Gump

    Gump Bumps

    He air brushed a foam airplane (stryker) and it came off everything but the nails.
  13. Gump

    Gump Bumps

    Apparently the bird shook his head around and then flew away when the boys were walking back home...good for him...damn windows...
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