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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Got hooked up...bubby ours was 7-7
  2. Took the class yesterday...Was a piece of cake...learned some stuff about guns that i didn't know...like don't use +p ammo or +p+ ammo unless your gun can handle it
  3. Pretty Boy of the Whitewerewolves MC? yay
  4. I did the same thing this weekend. Hopefully i'll get the vid and post..
  5. www.sportsmansguide.com ok deals...just plan on waiting a month.. ok maybe two months. it's not due in till May
  6. Deep tone with just a slight rasp to it....that was in the house....not too loud
  7. Be funny if the guy in the dark room was freaking out about the lady in the lab covering windows with Toilet paper....
  8. It's on. Pic's in the first thread.
  9. Tomorrow will be better...get well
  10. Cool bike...you got the Zebra camo thing going on...
  11. Was it play in the street day or something?
  12. That's cool if you have the time...
  13. so we can ship shotguns or rifles instate to non-ffl holders....joe smo to joe smo....hanguns we have to use a common carrier. shipping from out of state to instate must be to a ffl holder...or vice versa thanks Flounder....so in state if i see a shotgun on a forum the guy can ship it USPS if i read it correctly. Jbot: yes was looking around Ohio
  14. the serial number thing figures....
  15. Do you think if you buy a gun from an individual that you could ship half of the gun in one box and then the other half in another UPS???... And not have to do that whole ship to an FFL holder thing? or does it matter at all when it's one normal Joe to another?
  16. that suit draws attention to your crotch? and i'm not gay
  17. cABINET don't look that bad. won't see it after install. what's the whole for? tomorrow can always be better.
  18. I like that m590..pretty sweet.. i like the t-14 because it's .410 i could use it for rabbits and it's different.
  19. you forgot Shrimp....women like Shrimp
  20. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2009/02/27/safir-t-14-ati-at-14-shotgun-photos/ Forget the Remington 870 or Moss 500
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