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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Gump

    Famous relatives

    that still makes you a karate bad ass....waa! chaa!
  2. that sucks....i can't even get a hold of exotic. there were lots of hits when i looked around for reviews..none good. At least tell me when even if it's 4 weeks would be better than bologna.
  3. They suck they, charged my card and it's been like 4 weeks. Took me 4 months to pick an exhaust then these yahooo's are jerkin around....
  4. Gump

    Famous relatives

    that made me laugh..thanks...sorry if u really r
  5. Gump

    Famous relatives

    sacajawwea that's cool.... my relative was william tecumseh sherman....crazy ass civil war dude..
  6. well after my credit card company credited my account and started an investigation Exotic finally sent a tracking number..i hope it's the right thing.
  7. Gump


    YEP.it will be fun. i have to put the carb together
  8. Gump

    867444459 3b545b905d m

    Don't think i knew that...it turned out nice
  9. your right.......but all the program loading stinks...
  10. Exotic sportbike has got to be one of the slowest shippers on the net. it still has not shipped.
  11. i did this: if you have the adobe speed launch (installed by adobe reader), remove that stupid thing... useless memory hog that has locked more than a few machines in my time. __________________ and updated the Bios and the drivers thru Dell Support. And it still locked up. I don't know how to get to the Ram to reseat it.
  12. I can still download while it's working. You sparked my memory. This all started months ago when i loaded a burnt cd of white water rafting. I ejected the disk as soon as it froze everything. Then i had to reboot 10 times before it would quit freezing up. Spybot now has some kind of error when it scans and never gets to finish. Maybe i'll try and remove spybot then reinstall.
  13. 34.7gb with 10 free. How do i back up programs such as the verizon card, outlook express i think i can handle. I don't have that software. Thanks..yes it's way over a year old.
  14. Inspiron 1000 Works fine then just freezes up. The mouse is there but it won't move. Ctrl+Alt+Del does not work. I have to hold the power button down for ten seconds to shut it off. Sometimes that does not work and i have to remove all power. Sometimes this thing pops up stating that i am running out of virtual memory and that it is increasing my amount of virtual memory? When that happens has nothing to do with it when it locks up. They are independent. It locks up randomly whenever. I could be on for 5 minutes or an hour.
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