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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Well, if all goes well, both me and weatherwise on Sunday, I will be out there to cheer you guys on. I could get it then. Who is bringing it to Nelson?
  2. Ryan, I can work out with you picking up the frame with my truck, and we can hook up after this weekend since you are kind of around the corner. I am having surgery Friday, and plan to be at PIRC whether I am on my feet or not and can take Brian the frame then, if not sooner on a trip to C-bus. That saves you from cramming shit into your trailer this weekend. But come hell or high water I promise to get the frame to him by the Beaver round.
  3. Thanks for the info! I am used to taking food & drink for the MS events, so that will be the norm. Hopefully by next year I can outfit him with gear and maybe have one of the racers there mentor him a bit. Unless I can pick up two bikes.
  4. I really need to figure out a plan to get my son started on one of these. Does ORML have track day functions like MS and STT to indoc someone to the league?
  5. You'll need to go to the Moto Series site to register. You may end up paying a late fee by now to sign up, which I have done before myself in order to pick a day that is better weather-wise.
  6. Gotcha. And best of luck for you and kiddies while the Mrs is off performing her duties. We'll keep her in our thoughts off defending us.
  7. What you are doing is why I tell my kids each day to do what you love and you can do anything you want if you work hard for it. Thanks a ton for sharing your experience up there with us here. This is awesome, and hope you get to enjoy every minute of your time up there. Keep the cool pics coming!
  8. Sure thing. I'll give it a few days, but if I don't get any more hits, it is yours.
  9. Sorry, no actuators lying about. But if I had one, it would be yours. As far as reprogramming goes, I have looked into this, and these instructions appear to be pretty consistent across various forums: http://www.ehow.com/how_5701104_program-toyota-key-fobs.html. I don't know anyone with a Toyota handy to try this with. But if someone is looking to try and needs another one, it's all yours!
  10. I found one of the remote keyless entry fobs from my '08 Tacoma. It's shows a little wear but is certainly in good shape. Not sure what other Toyotas it will work with but if someone wants/needs one PM me an address and I will send it out. Free of charge.
  11. You interrupted nature's course of natural selection. Now he will continue to infect the world with his substandard seed. However, kudos to you for paying attention and your quick reaction to what certainly would have been an unfortunate situation for your family to see. At least the guy could have had the balls to acknowledge he stepped on his dick in front of you.
  12. Pass you on the right? Christ. Stupid fuckers. Glad you are okay, considering.
  13. That you are reasonably healthy is certainly most important, and glad to hear you aren't much worse for wear. You have now crossed over from the "has yet to go down" side to the "gone down" side. There are only two, and you survived your transition. Live and learn as we all do.
  14. Hahaha, thanks Marty! Actually, I just talked to the doc about an hour ago. The MCL is has just a slight sprain (Grade 1) but the meniscus has a good sized chunk taken out of it, and it needs to come out. So we're going to schedule surgery Tuesday for as soon as I can get in there, and from there it will be 3-6 weeks. So best case is I get in in the next week or two, and might be in for Beaver on June 30th. If not I expect to be back for the Nelson round in July to earn the number plates I stuck on my bike as motivation.
  15. Oh see now that is just shit tons of wrong right there. Despite how accurate it might be.
  16. Aside from the blacked out windscreen (I've never been a fan of that in any finish) I think it looks good! John's idea of doing it to a track bike is intriguing, especially if things like large chunks of the track jumping up at you in places like Nelson are going to happen.
  17. Speaking of getting stuff from places we aren't, Craig can you bring your fork comp tool like we talked about?
  18. SF may be giving you the shit treatment, but your insurance company should be fighting on your behalf. Unless you have Rockefeller kind of cash, you aren't going to be able to lawyer up and get what you want from SF, regardless of how wrong they are. Not sure what your deductible is, but it likely pales in comparison to what you will shell out in retainer fees to get your own personal battle off the ground. I would enlist the help of my ins co. were this my situation, and leverage their resources and expertise in these matters against fighting an otherwise uphill legal battle. SF is looking to right by themselves, and their insured. They could give two shits about you. Your insurance company should feel and act in kind the other direction.
  19. Use a chock. We set Kevin's trailer up where the etrack was ahead of the chock, and the tie downs pulled the bike into the chock securely. If you have the room to do that, awesome. but if your trailer layout doesn't allow for that any combination of the chock and track will be better than the track alone.
  20. Thanks for all the hard work, Casper! Digging the new look.
  21. Oh fine! My first day working from home and this happens. Boo!
  22. Sounds like another requirement under Obamacare.
  23. You are truly a selfless man, and I am indeed fortunate to call you a friend. I will give your offer some serious consideration. After some serious consideration, I regretfully decline. I am off to see the doc this afternoon. I plan to find good things from him and get this fixed, licked, and in the rear view mirror.
  24. Right now (~48 hrs later) the pain is still significant. I have Vicodin, but I am taking that only to deal with the in-laws. The swelling has begun to subside, and I have been icing it as prescribed. My biggest concern isn't actually if the MCL is torn, but that the scar tissue "cartilage" from my microfracture might be damaged. I am not sure if they can re-do that procedure if it is, and if so, that was a loooong rehab process. But I am not going to even speculate or get to high or low until the doc has diagnosed it. He's a good surgeon and I trust him. Got clearance from the office to work from home this week - as long as needed really. We have plenty of project work that I can do via VPN so I am not going to have to burn unnecessary amounts of PTO. So things are good. I was going to wait until I officially passed race school to put my number plates on, but I think I am going to mount them and use that sight as my motivation to do whatever it takes to get back to on-the-bike shape. Thanks again for the support gang!
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