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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. People get pissed most places you do it in Ohio, because it is illegal and they aren't expecting you to be there. I get pissed when guys do it here not because I don't think they should be able to, because until it's legal it's like anything else you do illegal on a bike. It perpetuates a negative perception of bikers that cagers unfamiliar with riding (which would be most of them) that just makes thing that much worse. That said, I wouldn't be against it being legal here, I just wouldn't trust folks in a cage. It's not been legal so long even when it would become legal it would take who knows how many busted up bikers before folks begin to be considerate of the changes in law. I do like the idea of being able to migrate to the front of traffic at a light, or to split sitting at the light. I have had more than a couple friends ass packed sitting at a light a couple cars deep from the light and were seriously fucked up. There would be a modicum of protection sitting between vehicles more likely to be seen by some. And the ability to get away from a light ahead of cagers would be a definite advantage.
  2. We have our Australian team here and they all have Macs. I am so doing this to our Aussie VP!
  3. Both. There is the novice classes for first-timers, and a race school for the foolhardy brave. We don't laugh at you for things you do on the track much. We laugh at you because leathers make your dick look like you just got out of the pool.
  4. My $.02, get the full coverage. As a biker, you need to insure yourself against those that don't. i.e. If you get hit by a cager not carrying anything - and it happens - then you could be effed. If $70 is a tough nut to crack, do the best you can by yourself. Until I had nothing more than a track bike, I carried full coverage on all my bikes.
  5. Aside from saying welcome aboard I can simply underwrite what others have said. While I learned the basic mechanics of operating a bike on an old LTD 550, my first bike was a brand new FZR 600. Never hurt myself or the bike, but there were some coming to Jesus moments that certainly increased my respect even above what I was preconditioned to. There is nothing wrong with a strong case of humilty while you work to improve your skills. Take the MSF course, period. Like Recon said some places my be booked, but find a place and go. Will be one of the best moves on a bike you'll make. And I agree with getting a new lid. Your boss' gesture is noble, but brain buckets are like DNA. Should be part of you. Buy the best you can afford and then some. As far as other gear, not sure what size you are, but I have a textile jacket and some other misc stuff laying around. You are welcome to whatever fits.
  6. Oh, and thanks for derailing my work day with this thread. Good thing my boss is in meetings most of today.
  7. Oh I see. Fine. Despite me trying to reduce my chibbiness, you want to do the foodie thing Saturday, knowing full well I will be in The Great White North (goo-loo-ku-ku-ooo-loo-kuku!). See if you get trailer secks from me at the 6/1 weekend.
  8. Since I am not leaving for Canada until Saturday morning, I might sneak up Friday night, if for no other reason than for John to jerk me off onto Marty's diminishing backside. If I can scramble the extra funds and the weather is compliant, I might...might...run that evening just to shake the bike down. Otherwise, I will be taking my talents to Toronto to observe my buddy's funera...wedding. And like Hollywood, I do hate you guys too. Especially the OP, you sexy bike having soul stealing, sun spot speckled fucktard. Stuff THIS in T12 yadik!
  9. Truly sexy, Brandon! Excited to see the finished product and see it lapping me this season.
  10. Thanks to traffic, we didn't make it to the Museum of the Marine Corps until an hour before closing. But I had been there before with same Marine cousin a couple years back. And there are all kinds of nice things to gander at there, as well as the statues on the grounds surrounding it. The interactive displays and scenes at the museum are second to none. We aren't able to tour the WH this trip, but will go by for pics. We're taking the moonlit monument tour this evening, so I am looking forward to some photo ops there.
  11. Just got out of the hot tub here at my hotel. Wish I could swing this right now. My back feels great right now!
  12. We brought the kids to Williamsburg two years ago. I think the wife and I enjoyed it more then, but the kids talk it up now, LOL.
  13. Thanks all! Our first day is in the books. Been up since 3:30 AM and am ready to drop. But we had a blast, with more in store tomorrow. She wants to see pandas at the zoo, then to the mall for the Smithsonians, then a night tour of the monuments. Time to get some rest.
  14. I started a "tradition" with our oldest when he was in 3rd grade by taking him to Washington, D.C. for the last couple days of his spring break. 3rd grade is about the time in our school district that they begin talking about the foundation of our nation (Williamsburg, Jamestown, D.C., etc.). So I figured it was a good opportunity to visit while they were out of school. A very close cousin of mine (and fellow Marine) works for the TSA and lives just south of the beltway. So we have a personal tour guide for our trips. This was especially handy with my son back in '08 as I had not yet been to D.C. yet myself. This time around, it's a Daddy/Daughter trip. My 8 year old has been talking about this trip for months now. She's excited, and now so am I. We are up and on the road at O Dark Thirty to meet my cousin once again, but this time with a surprise; his youngest daughter. She is 21 and still lives here in Ohio after he and her mother split some years ago. I am truly looking forward to this trip, even with getting up and leaving at 4 AM. I can't wait to see my daughter's discovery of things outside of her familiar surroundings and the majesty of the national monuments. To see her traverse the Smithsonian museums like her brother did and become mystified by all there is to see there. And I am excited to see the look on Jim's face when his baby girl surprises him. He's been in a rough spot personally as of late, and this will surely do him some good. I am a rather fortunate Dad to be able to share in something like this with my kids. I know a lot of fathers aren't able to do so. So you'll have to forgive me in this post gushing about this opportunity with my littlest one, while she is still little. I'll post some pics once we return.
  15. First, I ain't gotta share shit with John, depsite there being less of you to love on. Running is something I can't really do. I had microfracture surgery on my left knee a few years back, and while its helped for everyday stuff, running really takes a toll on it. i.e. I can barely walk the next day. That's why I can't do a lot of plyometric stuff. Still, there are plenty of things I can do, and I am looking to get back to cycling. Plus, that is good for the quads and hammies, and that helps at the track. Not sure how expensive a personal trainer is, but PM me her info. I can take a look and see what I might be able to do.
  16. This thread is good motivation, especially NightRider and my boy Marty. I have seen Marty in the last couple months, and he looks great! (I am so squeezing him in the trailer at the track this year!) I am at 205 right now, was at 213 at New years. I would love to be 185 by the time I take race school on June 1st, but that may be an overzealous goal. I can sit here and try to explain to myself and anyone else why my workouts are so intermittant, but they are just excuses. I have to make the time. But seeing what you guys are doing, I know it can be done.
  17. Somewhere, the ghost of Frank Lloyd Wright is masturbating to that thread.
  18. Holy shit, dude. That is beyond fucked up. Hopefully they eventually do right by you, but that is about as bad a job of customer service as I have seen.
  19. Sweet! r1crusher and I have been tinkering with mine the last couple weeks. Just little mods to get us out in the garage, but handy stuff. I have the service manual for it in PDF if you'd like it.
  20. With you, everyone has a tight ass, mandingo. Jesus.
  21. You assume I am going to give up my line.
  22. That's a good point about the 600s and finding a "running mate". I kind of like though the aspect of a thinner field for the first few races. Maybe my mind will change once I get through my first 600 race or if I get bored with the 750 guys. (Chasing them that is. I know what I am not, lol.)
  23. That works. I figured that I wasn't the only one tip-toeing into the sprint races with the 750 class, but figued it would be something that either a)made me more comfortable to run in the cluster of 600s or b) make me want to move up to a machine applicable to that class. Won't know until I get there. But the sprints sound good too. Then again, how much fun can if be to be lapped by what's-his-nuts (Wayne, I think) on the R1 3 times by the time my 20 minutes is over?
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