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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Frightening get off that hard and that quickly. Will pray that she recovers quickly and completely. Be safe out there gang. We fight, bitch, and argue like any family, but I look forward to all our ORDNers making it to the end fo the season to fight, bitch, and argue through a typical overextened Ohio winter. Take care of yourselves and look out for eachother.
  2. Auto Zone will take up to 5 gallons at time, so long as their tank isn't that close to full.
  3. Welcome back, fellow Ridgetuckian! Is said baby #2 here?
  4. Are there pics of this hooker trough anywhere yet? Not that I am likely to shit the funds to get it (I wish I had them!) but I would at least like to lament missing out by actually seeing it.
  5. I wish I could make it down, but being out of town last weekend has left me with little time to get a shit ton of other things done. You guys will just have to touch pee pee tips without me. I has a sad.
  6. I need the same as well. My garage circuit wasn't well planned out by the previous owner, and I need to have multiple branches for out there. So whomever works for Marty, there is more work to be had in Ridgetucky. Good thread here, Marty!
  7. True. He should be getting as much factory support at Tech 3 as Spies is getting with Pramac, if not more. Yamaha usuall does right by their satellite teams. They appear to also be doing right by Larry Pegram here in the states.
  8. Welcome! I hope to take in an STT day or two this year myself. Glad to have more track folks around!
  9. He is soon to be the victim of an double gigner gang rape.
  10. RVTPilot

    ginger helmet

    From the album: Misc pics

  11. You are a complete triple piston nerd. You have my respect.
  12. This is true. You can't make Marines out of soccer moms with one CHL class. But one needs to find a way to exercise some sort of defense as fight or flight ensues. You reinforced my casual comments about finding out what form of defense she is comfortable utilizing in that kind of situation. What can she access almost reflexively when a threat occurs. Being able to have the relfexive response is more difficult to acquire than the proper defense weapon. Situational awareness is something very few people think about, and mainly women from my experience. I don't mean to speak critical of them in saying so, as most simply aren't even taught what it provides, or even what it is. I have conditioned my wife and am trying to teach my kids now about it. It's a habit one has to employ consistently. As you do that, other considerations for your safety follow suit.
  13. That is fucked up, and I am glad she is alright relatively speaking. it's easy to say in hindsight and minus the incredible debilitating fear of the moment for her what she could have done. Realtiy is, she did what she should have done, and got away. She is safe and sound at home with you. Granted, the revenge aspect we all carry is that we'd like these two lowest life forms available for torture until life seeps from their carcasses, but at the end of the day, she is home. The lesson for her now is to arm herself with a measure that she is confident in being able to exercise in a similar moment should that ever unfortunately repeat itself in the future, be it a gun, a tazer, pepper spray, wicked kung fu, or driving over the fuckers once she gets in the car. As a husband and father of a young daughter, I am genuinely happy she is simply home with you otherwise unscathed.
  14. That is the soul stealing equivalent of dividing by zero. Satan himself wouldn't have a ginger lawyer. He'd be too afraid.
  15. So who all again will be there Friday night? Weather permitting, I will be there for Friday. I will even let those in attendance give me birfday spankings.
  16. Was the dude that choppered his BMW in novice or intermediate?
  17. As long as it's not T1 at Beaver, Jinu won't crash. However, if it is the likelihood increases eleventy billion percent. Just as T9 at Laguna is Rainey Curve, T1 at Beav shall henceforth be known as Jinu's Junkpile.
  18. Depends on where the tear is and how significant. My dad has torn both, one was a complete filet off the interior ball socket. Both required surgery. But I know some folks that have torn them and they heal with some rest, but the kind of rest where you don't move your arm at all for a couple weeks. A lot has to do with pain tolerance, like anything else. But until you hear from the doc and they have a definitive diagnosis of the damage, I would take it easy. Hope they don't find anything too bad and that you are able to ride through it! Sucks to hear you had a get-off.
  19. Congrats, amigo! Just remember marriage isn't a word, its a sentence. Usually 25 to life.
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