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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I wanna be a fly on the wall for that parent-teacher conference.
  2. RVTPilot

    do over

    That's my plan this offseason. As much as I want to do some other things, this I think will help me out the most from where the bike is right now.
  3. The cans we use here at the office not only are popelled by butane, but they have a bittering agent in them to prevent potential meth heads from huffing the crap. So I am sure your cocktail of butane exhaust, flash fried shit you blew out of your PC, and that bittering agent is something your lungs far from appreciate. Can't be too careful with your lungs, mang. Hope you are all OK soon.
  4. Sad to know of this. Thoughts and prayers for his family, friends, and fellow riders.
  5. Yeah, I saw this on FB yesterday. And my phone has been all sticky since.
  6. Ren and Stimpy Archer and finally getting to Breaking Bad this weekend. Need to start season one. Oh, and Walking Dead. Gotta start that one, too.
  7. He could have gotten a blood clot from anything at all, really. But most likely part of the injuries. That is some scary shit, maybe scariest of all looking back. Damn.
  8. Holy shit. If John saw that we had Mandingo at the track he would shit a purple turtle in delight. Not sure he could get his mouth around it, but I am sure he'd bend over his own Gix to take all that in his whale eye.
  9. If I had to stab at a guess, mine would be staph infection. Very common in open fractures, even after all the cleaning prep for surgery. Plus, there are all kinds of bacteria that only exist in hospitals that he could have come in contact with before leaving that are now just hitting his system. Then again, who knows. Regardless, still keeping him in our thoughts. You know anything you need bro, I will do.
  10. I will sell you mine for $3300 as it sit in my garage, son!
  11. RVTPilot


    Saw that yesterday. Do the Bills owe the Pats money or something? Caught some of the guys with their sisters?
  12. If you sell it for that price, I should come kick you in the nuts. Even for the OR folk, that is a wicked steal. That makes me wanna sell mine and pick that thing up!
  13. RVTPilot


    Quite possible. Still, we shouldn't bitch. I mean, Greg Little has everything you want in a receiver, except hands.
  14. Is that Jennings? I might wanna follow yous guys down for that.
  15. I might get in the weekend of the 13th, but right now it seems slim.
  16. I thought it was Intermediate Princess, but I could be mistaken. Hell, I am thinking about taking a couple sessions in A, but my passing (really lack thereof) is horrible. Jinu accurately described my technique as "tentative" and if I am to be on the track with faster guys, I should prove my mettle in traffic with more confidence.
  17. Quit yer bitchin', move up to A, and you'll stay in the :0-somethings. You Robsquatch need to go run with the racer dudes. That will get you over the plateau.
  18. Turkey bacon certainly has its place in the food chain, but compared to bacon, it's like the Fleshlight. May look and feel similar if your eyes are closed, but it's just a manufactured imitation. I do like it for BLTs, as I prefer my B in BLT to be crispy. For breakfast, however, it should be thick, juicy, and hot. Just like Udell's ass.
  19. This is unacceptable. Someone throw up a porcine eHarmony site and get some pig breeding into action stat! I'll be goddamned if I am going to face a zombie apocolypse without fucking bacon!
  20. Was this the nephew I met a couple years back? Regardless, sad to hear this and we'll certainly put on the prayer list.
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