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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Unfortunately no. Thanks to some family obligations, I won't be taking race school until Monday, June 17th. r1crusher and I will hopefully be taking it that day and then race at Beaver at the end of June. Using the track day that same weekend as the potential rain out/backup plan. But I think Kev will be at the May 4th track day, and I will be at the end of May one at Nelsons. And neither can get here soon enough!
  2. How soon until sinkhole insurance is pimped by some unscrupulous agents down there? Probably a similar rider to lightning strike insurance.
  3. My Florida friends made fun of me for moving back to Ohio. Well, my home state has never eaten a person alive who was doing nothing more than lying in bed. That said, I do have remorse in my heart for that poor family, especially the brother who tried to save the victim. How unfathomable to be lost in a sinkhole under your own home. That is simply further verification that I don't care how you live or what you believe. When it's your time, it's just your time.
  4. My first track day was Daytona with Team Hammer Advanced School. Let's just say it was slightly overwhelming. Incredibly fun, but humbling to say the least. IMHO, BeaveRun (PIRC) is a nice first track as well. I haven't been to Putnam yet, but of the "local" tracks I have been to, I enjoy Beaver a lot. Mid Ohio is certainly heads and shoulders above the others given its amenities, but I get just as much bang for my buck at Beaver.
  5. Nice! Any other new gear on the horizon?
  6. Black Tod and you? Sounds like BS to me.
  7. I have worn contacts for all my track days, and keep a spare set with me in my gear bag. I have never been completely comfortable with glasses in my helmet. Too much movement and depending on the frames, the obscuring of my peripheral vision.
  8. I got paid a shit ton less to get shot at enemies professionally trained to do so back in the day. Not worried about some cholo in Lorain.
  9. I will be hung over then, not to mention what it will cost for that would cover my race school this year, my license, and my first race. So you will have to find another snugglebuddy.
  10. Dude, all those go fast parts have about made this thread NSFW. :wackit:
  11. I find your gixxer profiling offensive. Now...off to practice my whoolies. Dick.
  12. Good stuff there, Ryan! Looking at these pics, your bike just screams "ride me over the Rockies to the PCH". However the mower does say "um, there's yardwork to do first."
  13. I can't make the May date, as the Mrs has a shindig planned that weekend for my 40th. But once I go look at the July schedule, maybe that weekend after the 4th is doable. I've not yet been to Grattan, and would like to check it off the list, at least. And any track day with Madcat is good for at least some trailer time with a happy ending.
  14. Dude, the rear camera view of some of my days last year really showed me how much I am not getting off the bike. Body position to me sounds like the most common self criticism of a lot of riders/racers. That its something they can always get better at, regardless what improvements they are making.
  15. Congrats! I have made a couple of them in my time...some I have even kept! Hope the Mama is doing well...cuz when Mama isn't happy, no one is.
  16. My $.02..went from Shoei to Scorpion to Arai in the last 5 yrs. Was a long time Shoei guy, but got a deal on a Scorp and it fit well, but the face shield mechanism workmanship left a lot to be desired. Love my Arai, but am looking to replace it with the RS-1 after a conversation with Nathan. Shoeis seem to be a little heaftier than the Arai and Bell, but quieter than the Arai for sure. Then again, at the track with ear plugs in, that's kind of irrelevant.
  17. Sweet! I'll take 9! And some elbow pucks.
  18. If you wear this, will you suddenly be compelled to take guys out in practice? It is a snazzy lid, though!
  19. No shit. The Fox NASCAR channel sucks pus infected moose cock. And that pic of Carlos carrying the horn mono did more for me than this 3rd cup of coffee I'm slurping to get me up. Can't freaking wait for the season!!!
  20. I don't know why, but I'd like to see that.
  21. "half shitty band"...lol. Interesting tune. Thanks for the early morning chuckle, Hobs!
  22. I was curious if the Harlem Shake was anything like the Detroit Lean. Thankfully some other poor bastards traversed the interwebz and took one for the team so I didn't have to. Thanks, Nathan!
  23. Wait....you have landscaping, Brandon? Or is that a euphemism for the graveyard of those whose souls you have absconded with? Either way, the neighbor's dog need not punch grumpys there. Wouldn't hurt to find someone with some legalese like red suggested. Or at least someone who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
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