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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Craig hates gixxers because there isn't sufficient fairing space for his GLBT rainbow Skittles paint job.
  2. Your own personal version of Will It Blend?
  3. Awesome stuff! If you haven't seen Closer to The Edge, you need to. Absolutely amazing cinematography and amazing footage of the race. Ranks up there with the Senna documentary.
  4. don't start with the orange and brown stuff. I will shit in your airbox. and when are you coming up to I Jeff? ur fast enough.
  5. Do you do holiday parties? Cuz that might keep the in-laws from inviting me back next year. I would pay handsomely for that.
  6. Would this imply that there is certified midget training someplace?! That would be sooooo much better than trained monkeys, as most midgets (that I am aware of) won't fling their shit at you. Fuck having a trained midget would be awesome!!
  7. I am on the fence about doing that Sunday nite at Mid OH. Its either that or Nelson the following Friday or Saturday. Just curious as to how much daylight we'd get.
  8. That is the thing about being self employed. The boss can be a sonuvabitch when it comes to time off.
  9. Are these titles that you have purchased or are being loaned?
  10. Lookin' funky fresh and clean, Hoblistiltskin!! One of these days we need to get all these gixxers out to play with one another someplace fun. Like Mid OH or The Beaver.
  11. All I can say, as the lone witness to the event, is that I walked into Kevin's garage and Jinu was standing on top of an orange crate, dick in hand yelling "Just fucking pierce it before I change my mind!!!" Kev rushed it, closed his eyes and stuck the yellow man's thumb instead. In Kevin's defense, it was the largest of the potential targets. So while a pierced penis is known as a Prince Albert, Jinu received a Prince Kevin. Either way, I am stuck with that image as it has scarred my cerebral cortex. In other news, walther, heal up and get to the track.
  12. Do it! I'll lug the trailer back and forth. And you'll have a legit excuse for shooting so bad at the outing.
  13. This is what I am counting on. If I was faster, this would be a good time for race school.
  14. So any of the ususal (or even unusual) suspects headed out for this track day? I have it in my sights to bust my Nelson cherry, and for the moment the weather appears compliant. So if any of the typical MS types are there, a tow would be most appreicated!
  15. Oh, and I'm chopped liver? Fine.
  16. He hit the water like a corpse. Ouch.
  17. 600 single? He could probably use it to pull tree stumps out of the property. Looks like a handful of fun! LBTS GLWS
  18. true. then again, there is r1chaser and myself.
  19. This is only going to fuel the fire of the Westboro Bastards Cult. Wait for the ACLU to hop on board and find a way to litigate over this, ultimately wasting even more taxpayer money to defend the constitutional rights of these self righteous fucks. I see a point of Mags not wanting to supress one's rights, as in a manner of speaking it compromises his as well. Yet the means by which these cretins exdercise their rights is not in the spirit of the Amendment, and were they to have attempted anything like this in the times of our Founding Fathers, they would be met at least with the buttstock of a musket, if not the business end. Why these Westboro fucktards can't find their inner Heaven's Gate and save anyone else the trouble is frustrating, but alas their time has to come eventually. Hell, my hate for them belies my own ideals of humanity and such, making me just as bad to a degree. Anyway, it is a truly unfortunate state of events that a law must be passed to enforce common decency.
  20. 'elp! 'elp! I'm bein' repressed!! Fair play to you and yours, sir.
  21. Scruit being one descended from royal blood can accurately attest to.
  22. Been told the same from SF as well. The kid that just bought my 750 had Allstate, and wadded up his 08 CBR 600 street in the novice class at VIR. They cut him a check for the damages as novice was considered an instructional class and not competitive, but I would suspect he'll not insure a bike with them any time soon. If you're only doing a novice day here or there and want to stay dual purpose, roll the dice I guess. Anything more just find a dedicate track whore that fits the budget and ball out. Any repairs are just the cost of doing business. We don't enjoy a cheap hobby.
  23. Pretty sure I need to help you with the hookers and blow. Directions to said lake house?
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