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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Maybe we should pitch in and get Ryan a set of rains. He'll need something knobby if he continues touring the off track portions of the venues.
  2. What kind of investment do you have in that thing? Looks like a fun thing to build for the boy, as he turns 12 in November. Something to have him work around the house towards over the winter.
  3. As one who was thinking I was not able to make it last minute, glad I was able to. The morning has already been well documented, but the afternoon quickly made up for it. I was great to put another face to a name (wantahertz...) and as always was great to catch up with long lost faces (Mykill...you never call or write anymore!) and chase Rob around the track for a corner or two right after he blows past me. I am still chipping away at my lap times, and felt good about the progress I made in a half day's time. Thanks to Brandon and Jinu for some more good tips, Cox for the suspension tweak (so glad I didn't kick you in the face, bro!) and always to my pit bitch..I mean pal Kev, who keeps pushing me the right direction. Hope it was a good and safe day for our racer types here! Gonna go have a sad now that the season is pretty close to over now.
  4. Yeah, things are OK. Thanks. Aside from Kev in being mad at me.
  5. Sorry guys...things have changed and I am gonna miss this one. Nothing serious, but need to sit this one out. Someone just be sure to take care of Kev, as he will not have me to give road head to and is going to be thirsty when he gets to the track. My hopes are such that I can make it to Grattan in October should the weather be kind that weekend.
  6. You would think after the jerseys for tattoos debacle that they wouldn't put pictures on the tickets of Buckeye players with large tattoos on them. I like tattoos, jussayin'....
  7. When the fuck are you going to Jennings?!
  8. We're all one big ghey family. Those two are just uber as such.
  9. Kudos on doing this! Not enough folks to it, and it shows on the road. Congrats!
  10. Nuh uh! Now, I have buried my love sausage in his cavernous belly button when John is missing events being bitch owned by his soon-to-be Mrs. But frankly John's balloon knot smells better than r1's lint trap. Maybe becuase it's filled with months of my cock yogurt.
  11. Mid OH is the perfect storm of the way DMG has gutted the AMA series' combined with the track mismanagement. It's really sad, too, as I have friends all over the country that rave about Mid OH from back in the day. Even when I came back to Ohio in the early 2000s and it was the aforementioned "Suzuki Cup" there were still throngs of fans and vendors at each event. Now, it's like a motorcycle flea market in the vendor area, and it costs an arm and a leg for the littlest bit of food. The surface I have a hard time bitching about after spending my last two track days at Nelson, but on a big league scale, it could use some spit and polish to get back to its rightful status among the country's best, IMHO. Some of the world's finest open wheel racing took place there, and sadly that has gone away, too. Someone down there needs to get their shit together.
  12. http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2012/Sep/120917ii.htm Had to figure that if they were looking for a title sponsor when the race was here a couple months ago that things would head this direction. Thoughts???
  13. I will be I, and straddling the race school fence with Kev.
  14. I tried this. All I did was end up scaring myself into poop-filled leathers and crying all the way back into the pits. But John was there with a (mouth) hug to make me feel all better. Wait. That was just the dream I had last night.
  15. RVTPilot


    My father used to tell me when I was a kid "Son, if the Browns were my girlfriend, I'd have left that bitch a long time ago." He's still a fan to this day.
  16. Very sad. Thoughts and prayers for the family and friends.
  17. ASUS for sure. Intel i5 is a better proc, reiterating Cheech's input.
  18. Ha! It's tempting, especially with the discounts Todd has going for the event. But I wouldn't be racing until next season. If Todd is cool with that, it is one more reason to consider doing it this year. I like the momentum that I have gained over the last few sessions, and am confident that I can do the school, but don't want to find myself overconfident, and have Andrew constantly looking behind me for his student.
  19. RVTPilot


    True. The losing aside, I do enjoy a good bit of the stadium experience, and enjoy spending time with friends that I have made there over the years. But I also know what to expect when it comes time to hit the head, get food, get past assholes. Though the wife and I are seriously discussing when it just takes away from the game experience too much, and just start watching them all at home. I have invested heavily in my televisions, might as well mazimize the investment.
  20. RVTPilot


    Being a season ticket holder at the Factory of Sadness since '99 and seen the Browns play in a handful of other stadiums, what LJ was subject to neither surprises me in Cleveland, or anywhere else. It's sad, but its true. A lot of "fans" (hate calling them that) think a pro football game is an excuse to turn into cro-magnon frat boys and act like they are at home in their own basement. But I have plenty of first hand knowledge to know that Browns fans aren't the worst. They have equal counterparts in 31 other cities. Now as far as their offense, that is the worst in the NFL. Period.
  21. Good info here, Brandon! Kev and I have bantered about doing the school for a couple reasons, but have also discussed the reservations of doing so right now as well. I'd be a little more comfortable taking school if my times at beaver were in the 11s or 12s, and Nelson in the low 20s. But I am confident in my lines, and am used to being passed (mainly by you fuckers!) So I am thinking about just signing up for I and maybe asking Todd the morning of if for some reason I have an ephipany sometime between now and the 22nd.
  22. Sweet! You coming out for Saturday, too?
  23. I'm not sure I can say much more than these fine folks have already said, but know that we'll have him, you, and the family in our thoughts and prayers. I agree though that you need to make some time to exhaust yourself of the pent up emotions. Until you do, your focus will be distracted by them, and you could lose it at a time where you'd like not want to. You are entitled to your moments to release, and once that passes, you can better use your strength on supporting your brother and not suppression. Sorry to hear of his and we'll be praying for his recovery as well!
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