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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I understand exactly where VanDySS is coming from, and don't disagree with it. I too joined for a lot of things that would benefit myself, as I needed the discipline and structure that came with service. And while it was almost as it was expiring, I used my GI Bill to get my degree for the career I have now. I am lucky that my college education to date has cost me only time. But I also joined for some other reasons that I would never benefit by, and was fine with that. I knew enough to know that I didn't know everything about where I was going and getting into, but was willing to accept that it wasn't all going to go my way. Then again, that's life. As far as thanks go, I agree too that the understanding of what you are being thanked for is relative. VanDy, Recon, Chevy and I all know more about what we would appreciate being thanked for than those who are thanking us and have never served. But their lack of understanding doesn't dilute the value of their thanks for me. As well, I thank guys and gals that have served for their service, for a few reasons, especially those that have been in combat. I was fortunate enough to not have, and recognize that my service was by comparison uneventful. But I had no control over that, and conversely am proud for what I did do, even if it meant that the only time I fired my weapon was for training or qualifying. (And since I was a mechanic, many of you should be thankful that your freedom was not predicated upon my marksmanship skills at that time.) So it doesn't bother me when folks who don't understand it all thank me, because some of them thank me knowing that while they don't know what it takes to be a Marine, feel that for whatever reason they couldn't and appreciate that I did. And I humbly accept any thanks given to me by anyone that has served.
  2. "It's a job...period." Um, no. Is every occupation in the military one that puts one in constant danger? Absolutely not. But to say that one who's occupation or career is being an active member of the armed forces is just a job is a gross oversimplification of the duties they perform, and a bit insulting. And to say that you thanked them by simply giving them a paycheck? Easily said when you haven't an understanding of what all goes in to provide you the right to say that. But feel free to continue to maintain that idea, and dispense that opinion. Hundreds of thousands of men and women are ensuring that nothing threatens your ability to do so. Then again, that's just their job.
  3. Done. Kudos, Ben, and best of luck!
  4. This simple, yet genuine acknowledgement of what any vet has done is all the thanks I ever need to hear. Snot, thank you for your words, and to your father thanks to him for his service and sacrafice. I'm a Marine, and like the crybaby author of that piece, my career was unspectacular from a combat standpoint. Doesn't mean I am not proud of my service, though he is certainly entitled to his definition of his experience. There were so many aspects of those years of my life that have made a profoundly positive impact on my life, and I didn't have to kill anyone for a lasting memory of my service. Typically, guys with woe-is-me tales or speaking ill of their service often bit off more of life than they could chew in taking up the cause of defending freedom. I completely understand that the military is not for everyone, and some of those folks find out afterward. But it wasn't the Marines' fault it wasn't for you. (or any other branch for that matter.) And tomorrow morning, I plan to celebrate the next generation of Marines in downtown Cleveland. Semper Fidelis!
  5. Cover your nuts when you do though. Kyle might have some bad flashbacks to our former company and just reflexively kick you in the junk. We all have some PTSD from there.
  6. Imma be there for Sat, and waiting to see on Sunday with r1. If madcat werks on his kegels, might give him a reach around while I play big spoon.
  7. Welcome to the fatherhood fraternity! Hope mom and baby boy are doing well!
  8. The nerd is strong in this one. And I concur.
  9. Does it come with an RC8R attached to it? If so, sold!
  10. Do you have a twin sister? Those are endearing qualities.
  11. HEY...I resemble that remark. Thanks, jb!
  12. I was expecting to hear some rumors to that degree. Can't fathom that his company would run that risk. I can see where someone would conceive of that idea/rumor, but if/when something like that would come to light, it would cost you much more in the end than you gained. What is ironic is that the website that was created for Dan was (as stated earlier) created by a friend of ours who works here, at his former company. Yet in the Channel 3 piece last night, you would have thought it to be all done by his current employer. Not the case. But the point of the site wasn't to be first or best, it was to find Dan.
  13. I haven't received any updates as to where he is, other than he's safe which is what we wanted all along. And once we do see and talk to him here, he will at least get a thorough head noogie and a "WTF, dude?!"
  14. Wow, you guys are in here faster than I am, lol. The last I heard this morning is that he is with friends. That could be anywhere between Chicago and Erie, PA knowing Dan. Regardless he's safe, and once we talk to him and get the who, what, and WTF out of the way maybe we'll understand why. I am just glad he's safe. Thanks for all the support from the ORDN fam in this thread!
  15. Thanks, all. Since chevy asked, his plate is EML 9446, and it hangs off a late model Honda Civic that is a deep metallic grey. Again, everyone here appreciates all the kind words.
  16. Gang, if you don't mind, please offer up some prayers or positive thoughts for my friend Dan Stasiewski, who has been missing since mid-day Monday. He was last seen leaving his office in Avon around lunch time. Dan is a good friend, a good guy, and we have no idea why he's gone. Attached is a link for the NEO peeps with his information. All we want is for Dan to come home safely. Thanks to anyone who took a moment to read this post. -RVT http://bringdanbackto.us/wp-content/uploads/PDF/Dan-Stasiewski.pdf
  17. Happy belated birthdays, you crazy kids!
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